Last of Us 2

Thrift Store Safe Code | Staci's Phone Number

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Capital Hill Safe.jpg

This guide will show you how to unlock the safe located in the thrift store of Capitol Hill in The Last of Us 2, how to find Staci's phone number, and get the Long Gun Holster. Read on for the thrift store safe code and more.

Thrift Store Safe Location

This safe is located in Capitol Hill. After you start to use bricks to destroy the trip mines, follow the street to the back, and on the left side of the street, you will see a thrift shop. Be sure to watch out for a trip mine in front of the thrift shop door.

Capital Hill Safe.jpg
Inside the store, head to the back room, where there will be a door on your left and a door straight ahead. The safe is in the room on the left. There will be a clicker inside, so be prepared for it.

Thrift Store Safe Code

You can either use the hints to find the code for yourself, or just skip ahead to the solution.

Hint 1

From the back room, there will be a door that goes to the room with the safe, and another room that goes to a bathroom. In the back room, there will be a bulletin board with a note pinned to it.

Hint 2

Hint 2.jpg
On the note it will tell you the code, however, the last 2 digits are torn off the page. The note will say that the code is the last 6 numbers of a phone number belonging to someone named Staci.

Hint 3

Hint 3.jpg
If you enter the bathroom you will notice that a phone number with the name Staci written above it. The last 6 digits is the safe combination.

Safe Code Solution

Safe Combination

Long Gun Holster

Inside the safe, there are standard supplies you will need, but it also contains the Long Gun Holster which lets you have another Long Gun in your quick select menu. This is a super useful item, as it lets you swap weapons in battle much more quickly!

Weapons List | Where to Find All Weapons

Last of Us 2 Safe Codes and Combinations

See All Safe Combinations and Codes

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