Horizon Zero Dawn

How to Get Carja Mighty Bow: Weapon Info and Stats

Carja Mighty Bow is one of the weapons in the game Horizon Zero Dawn. Read on to learn more about how to get and how to use the Carja Mighty Bow, its ammo types, and more!

Carja Mighty Bow Overview

Carja Mighty Bow Weapon Info

Carja Mighty Bow Overview
Carja Mighty BowCarja Mighty Bow
Description: A specialized hunter's bow that posses additional stopping power. Can be modified
Type Hunter Bow
Rarity Rare
No. of Modification Slots 2
Base Handling

Carja Mighty Bow Ammo Info

Ammo Type Damage Tear Severity
Horizon Zero Dawn - Hunter Arrow Hunter Arrow 16 25 None
Horizon Zero Dawn - Fire ArrowFire Arrow 16 0
Fire 25

Is the Carja Mighty Bow Worth It?

Horizon Zero Dawn - B Tier Icon Weapon Class Tier Reason
The Carja Mighty Bow is slightly better than a C-Tier weapon, but could still be improved. While you gather resources to get yourself a better weapon, the Carja Mighty Bow will at least give you a better chance at larger machines.

How to Get Carja Mighty Bow

In the Complete Edition of the game, go to the nearest merchant outside of the Embrace, and to get the Carja Mighty Bow free of charge!

How to Use Carja Mighty Bow

Hunter Arrow

Horizon Zero Dawn - Hunter Arrow Ridge-Wood
Metal Shards

This arrow type will be your staple ammo until you can unlock better arrows like the Hardpoint or Precision Arrow. These arrows deal low damage and low tear upon impact. For maximum effectiveness, attach some Damage coils and aim at enemy weakspots.

Fire Arrow

Horizon Zero Dawn - Fire Arrow Ridge-Wood
Metal Shards

This arrow is most effective against Corrupted Machines and machines with Fire vulnerablity. Alternatively, you can also set Blaze canisters off with a good shot. Other than that, this ammo type will mostly be for backup when you run out of your other damage type arrows.

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