Assassin's Creed Valhalla

List of Ranged Abilities

This is a list of all ranged abilities found in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla)! Read more to find out what each ability does and where to find them!

List of Ranged Abilities

Name Description Upgrade
Poisonous Powder TrapPoisonous Powder Trap Attaches a small pouch to your arrow that spreads a volatile powder wherever the arrow strikes. Any nearby movement causes the powder to burst into a poisonous mist. Anyone who walks near is in for an unpleasant surprise! Your trap can now be triggered twice.
Incendiary Powder TrapIncendiary Powder Trap Attaches a small pouch to your arrow that spreads a volatile powder wherever the arrow strikes. Any nearby movement causes the powder to burst into flames. Surprise clueless passerby! The powder can be detonated a second time.
Ranged Poison StrikeRanged Poison Strike Applies poisonous concoction to the tip of your arrows. The concoction splashes in an arc in the flight of the arrow, poisoning all enemies caught in the arc.
Ranged Fire StrikeRanged Fire Strike Set the tip of your arrow aflame. Anything it hits will catch fire. The fire blazes in an arc in front of you, instantly setting enemies caught in the arc ablaze.
Piercing ShotPiercing Shot Shoot an arrow with enough force to pierce through nearly any obstacle. Multiply damage for each enemy the arrow passes through.
Mark of DeathMark of Death Hold Attack button to mark sighted enemies. Release it to let fly a deadly volley of arrows. Increases the maximum numbers of targets.
Raven DistractionRaven Distraction Use your raven, Synin, to briefly distract your enemies. Synin attacks the target to begin the distraction. During combat, Synin stuns the target.
ManMan's Best Friend Sic your wolf on an enemy. Your wolf will stay to fight by your side.
Axe BlizzardAxe Blizzard Aim and throw a devastating barrage of axes. Completing the full series of Axe Blizzard by adding a bloody finishing combo of extra throws.
Focus of the NornirFocus of the Nornir Use the power of the Nornir to aim and shoot at your enemies with fateful speed. Each enemy killed increases damage dealt.
Thorn of SlumberThorn of Slumber An arrow marked with svefnthorn symbol put targets to sleep almost instantly. On impact, arrows expel a cloud of poison, putting anyone nearby to sleep.
Smoke Bomb ArrowSmoke Bomb Arrow Attaches a small pouch to your arrow that bursts into smoke on impact. Blinded by smoke, enemies are unable to act. The smoke now bursts into flame on contact with fire, setting alight nearby enemies.
Irish WolfhoundIrish Wolfhound Call an Irish Wolfhound to defend you like a very good dog against all attackers. Your Wolfhound protects you longer.

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