Assassin's Creed Valhalla

List of Melee Abilities

This is a list of all melee abilities found in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla (AC Valhalla)! Read more to find out what each ability does and where to find them!

List of Melee Skills

Name Description Upgrade
Rush & BashRush & Bash Hold ability button to rush continuously. While rushing, make contact with any enemy to grab and pick them up. Throw enemies you've grabbed off ledges, or slam them into walls for extra damage. Eivor takes advantage of enemies stunned for a wall slam to finish with an extra punishing attack.
Blinding RushBlinding Rush Use stamina to move undetected. Aborts on enemy contact. Successful assassination doesn't interrupt the ability.
Poison StrikePoison Strike Applies a poison concoction to your right-hand melee weapon. Poisoned enemies suffer additional damage over time. The concoction splashes in an arc in front of you, instantly poisoning enemies caught in the arc.
Kick of TyrKick of Tyr A ferocious kick that sends enemies flying backwards. Enemies who strikes object or other enemies will suffer additional damage. Kicked enemy will remain down at your mercy.
Vengeance of ThorVengeance of Thor Hold ability button to concentrate all your strength into an unstoppable attack. You can charge-up twice for the ultimate attack.
Feign DeathFeign Death Fool enemies by playing dead. Trigger a surprise assassination from a prone position.
Dive of the ValkyriesDive of the Valkyries Launch yourself into the air and come crashing down onto your enemies. Inflict stun damage within a large radius of impact.
Harpoon ImpalementHarpoon Impalement Impale an enemy with your harpoon and throw them in any direction using Directional keys/buttons. Enemies who strike objects or other enemies will suffer massive damage. Eivor can finish by pulling the enemy close and killing them with style!
Rage of HelheimRage of Helheim Enter a fit of rage and slam your enemy to the ground, leaving them helpless in the face of barrage of hits.
Alternate between [Q] and [LMB] taps to avoid losing balance.
Land more blows with faster taps.
Fire StrikeFire Strike Applies fire to your right-hand melee weapon. Enemies that catch fire will suffer additional damage over time. The fire blazes in an arc in front of you, instantly setting the enemies caught in the arc ablaze.
Throwing Axe FuryThrowing Axe Fury Hurls throwing axes to enemies in range. Any enemy struck will also be staggered.
Vikingr SaluteVikingr Salute When close to an enemy, inflict a devastating headbutt. Enemy incapacitated longer.

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