Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Poisonous Powder Trap Book of Knowledge Location

This page is about the Poisonous Powder Trap Ability in Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn Book of Knowledge location and how you can get it in the game.

Poisonous Powder Trap Information

Poisonous Powder Trap (AC Valhalla)Poisonous Powder Trap
Description Attaches a small pouch to your arrow that spreads a volatile powder wherever the arrow strikes. Any nearby movement causes the powder to burst into a poisonous mist. Anyone who walks near is in for an unpleasant surprise!
Upgrade Your trap can now be triggered twice.

Poisonous Powder Trap Ability - Location and How to Get

1st Location - England, Snotinghamscire

Map View Overworld View

How to get:

Head to Odin's Mine in the north of Snotinghamscire and southwest of The Sleeping Jotun. Go inside the mine, use Odin's Sight, and follow the Book of Knowledge marker. Move the obstacle to create a path once reaching it. Use the Incendiary Powder Trap to destroy the breakable wall. Follow the way inside and get the Book of Knowlege.

2nd Location - England, Eurvicscire

Map View Overworld View

How to get:

Head to the Petuaria Ruins and destroy the wooden barrier beside the stairs and drop to the bottom. Slide under the hole, dive in the water and resurface on the other side. Get the oil jars and destory the wall going back and the wall past the water by jumping on the side and throwing it.

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