Star Wars Outlaws

Glacial Relic Location and Effects

Glacial Relic is a Minor Charm in Star Wars Outlaws. Read on and learn the location of Glacial Relic, how to get the Glacial Relic, and its effects!

Glacial Relic Location

Purchase from Vendors

Shop Shop Location
Viska Armorer
(Vendor's Stock)
Kijimi City

This is a list of all merchants that sell the Glacial Relic. If these merchants are aligned with a certain faction, having bad reputation with that faction will cause the prices to increase, while having good reputation will earn you discounts!

How to Increase Reputation

Glacial Relic Overview

Glacial Relic Type and Effects

Glacial Relic IconGlacial Relic
Type Charm - Minor Charm
Effect Gain Adrenaline after a successful Super Cooling.

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