Last of Us 2

Boss Guide: How to Beat Ellie

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How to Beat Ellie - bottles.jpg

This is a boss guide for beating Ellie while playing as Abby in Seattle Day 3 in The Last of Us Part II. Read on to learn tips and strategy on how to fight Ellie.

How to Beat Ellie

Things to Look Out For

4. Fighting Ellie.jpg
Fighting Ellie will be hard, especially since she is much faster than you. Look out for Trip Mines that she plants on the ground, as they will instantly kill you.

When she knows where you are hiding, she will throw a Molotov in your direction. Use Bottles that are lying around to distract Ellie, and throw them at her to stun her.

Use Listen Mode

How to Beat Ellie - listen mode.jpg
You won't win by fighting her head on. If you have upgraded your listening skill, try to use Listen Mode to locate her position from afar and sneak your way closer to Ellie. This way you can plot a route to avoid getting killed before reaching her.

How to Use Listen Mode

Look for Bottles and Bricks

How to Beat Ellie - bottles.jpg
Throwing a Bottle or a Brick at Ellie will stun her for a few seconds making her vulnerable to your attacks. Use this to your advantage if you are having a hard time sneaking up on her.

Watch Out for Traps

How to Beat Ellie - traps.jpg
During the 2nd phase, Ellie will start planting traps around the area while trying to hide. Be cautious of these traps and try to avoid them as much as possible to prevent getting killed instantly. You can throw bottles or bricks at the Trap Mine to detonate them as well.

Related Links

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1 Jackson
Chapter 2 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 3 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 4 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 5 The Park
Chapter 6 Seattle Day 1
Chapter 7 Seattle Day 2
Chapter 8 Seattle Day 3
Chapter 9 The Farm
Chapter 10 Santa Barbara
Chapter 11 The Farm


1 Anonymous19 days

DONT throw a bottle/brick at her head on or if she can see you, she will pretend to be stunned then whip out her shotgun and kill u !!! U have to throw it while still in stealth


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