The Witch of the Woods Sidequest

This page contains information for completing the Sidequest The Witch of the Woods in Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Read on for more information about the Sidequest and our strategies for completing it!

Basic information of The Witch of the Woods


Requester Recommended Level
Dave 40

How to Unlock The Witch of the Woods

Location Verinas Mart Ravatogh
Unlock Condition Complete "Mountains of Misfortune"

The Witch of the Woods Clear Conditions and Rewards

Clear Condition Deliver the Dog Tag to Dave.
Reward 2,500 EXP
5 Mega Phoenix

How to Complete The Witch of the Woods

How to Begin the Sidequest

To begin this sidequest, you need to complete all sidequests related to Dave. Then, go to Verinas Mart - Ravatogh, and talk to the Tipster outside. He will give you a note about Head Hunter Gone Rogue? and will also mark the quest on the map. Make sure to eat some meal to boost your party's stats before going to the location.

Find Dave

Open your map, and choose the Witch of the Wood sidequest. Follow the location shown to find Dave. Parked at Malmalam Thicket Parking Spot and travel to Dave's location using a Chocobo.

Talk to Dave

Upon reaching Dave's location, talk to him to start a conversation about finding the Dog Tag. Then, he will suggest looking for a lady in the hut nearby to know more information about the hunter. Finish the conversation to start the sidequest.

Get the Sullied Dog Tag

After talking to Kimya, travel to the marked location, which is deep into the woods. Make sure you are at the recommended level because you may encounter monsters at a high level in the area. Once you reach the location, search the rock and trees nearby the tomb to find the Sullied Dog Tag.

Return to Dave

Go back to Kimya and talk to her. Then, deliver the Dog Tag to Dave at Meldacio Hunter HQ to complete the sidequest.

Related Links

Dave's Quests

Gone Hunting Dust to Dust Final Resting Plains
A Rocky End Swallowed by Shadows A Backwoods Burial
Washed Away Mountains of Misfortune The Witch of the Woods

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