FF7 Remake

Wayward Wolf Weaknesses and Obtainable Items | How to Beat Wayward Wolf

This page contains the stats and weaknesses of Wayward Wolf, an enemy from Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7 Remake). Read on to learn the items dropped from this enemy, as well as AP, Gil, abilities, and locations, as well as tips on how to beat Wayward Wolf!

Wayward Wolf Stats and Information

Wayward Wolf Basic Information

Wayward Wolf
Wayward Wolf Enemy Icon
Species Movement Type
Biological Grounded Normal


A creature that once stalked the plains outside Midgar but has since ventured into the city in search of prey. It has proliferated within the metropolis's walls and has become extremely ferocious.

Assess (Tips)

It will retaliate against any attack made, but dodging or guarding against its counterattack will make it susceptible to staggering.

Wayward Wolf Stats

Easy Normal Hard
HP Currently Unknown 2231 4245

Wayward Wolf Weaknesses & Resistances

Weakness / Status Ailments Ice
Lesser Resistances -
Greater Resistances -
Immunities -
Absorbed Elements -


Rewards for Defeating

Easy/Normal Hard
Gil 36 134
AP 3 3
Exp 187 697
Items Dropped Hi-Potion () ()
Rare Items Dropped Hi-Potion ()
Steal Mega-Potion ()

Areas Encountered

Locations Sector 7 Slums

How to Beat Wayward Wolf

Prepare for the Fight

For the best odds in this fight, you will want to make sure you obtain the items that can be found before this encounter. You can find HP Up materia and Power Wristguards. These can help you in your fight against the Wayward Wolves. Check out our chapter 1 guide to find out where exactly these items can be found.

Intergrade Chapter 1: Wutai's Finest Walkthrough

Recommended Materia

4-Point Shuriken
Ninja Armlet

Ice and Healing will help with damage and survivability respectively, two must haves for this battle. There are two more materia that will also help with survivability, Steadfast Block decreasing the damage when blocking, and Parry allowing you to dodge and block at the same time. Lastly, Deadly Dodge can help you follow up after dodging attacks with a juggling combo.

Keep Distance and Focus on One

Keep distance vs Wayward Wolves
You will want to stay far from the two wolves and focus on taking down one. All their attacks are close-range, so Throw your shuriken to deal damage while keeping your distance. Throwing your shuriken also allows you to use ranged ninjutsu as your attack.

Use Ice Ninjutsu

Ice Ninjutsu vs Wayward Wolf
Switching to Ice Ninjutsu is highly recommended to deal ice damage without having to spend ATB. Ranged ninjutsu attacks are going to be your go-to in this fight. Once staggered, casting Ice spells will deal big damage.

Block and Dodge to Stagger

Dodge attack Wayward Wolf
The main strategy of this fight is to deal damage to the wolves from afar and to dodge or block their attacks to stagger when they get close to you. Staggering is your best bet as using range attacks only can take a while as they can dodge them. Blocking their Headbutt should be easy as it is clear when they are using it, while Throat Clamp is unblockable and you will want to always dodge away from it.

Hold Square

Yuffie has a unique attack when holding the square buton that will make her jump back while dealing damage. This is the perfect move to use against Wayward Wolves, as it allows you to dodge and deal damage at the same time, making it a breeze to stagger them.

Related Links

See All Enemies


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