FF7 Remake Walkthrough Comments


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    41 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Blitzball will forever be the best square Enix game ever made prove me wrong......

    40 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    lol jee you progressives sure are accepting its ok you can just ignore those mean Ole conservative sensible people and just ignore them no need for hate speech...oh wait aren't you all about acceptance n stuff lol

    39 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    they flooded this game with this crap there is the creepy materia salesman and overall a lot of gay innuendos in the game this whole game feels like so progressive eutopia its like Karen's and libs took over the square Enix universe

    38 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    It's now 2024 and lgbtq is collapsing in on itself its members are devouring its other members and frankly everyone is just tired of all the shenanigans but these "people" will do what they always do preach love and acceptance and wish nothing but hate and violence on those who apposed them bunch of illogical hypocritical mentally unstable people hope you enjoyed it while it lasted Ps. Goodbye biden lmao!!!

    37 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    shut up

    36 Reasonable Person11 monthsReport

    You deserve a lifetime ban from the Internet for that. Please read some books and learn something.

    35 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    Calm down he dressed like a chick cuz he had to not cuz he wanted to it has nothing to do with LGBTQ

    34 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

    man you are all over this page like aids in gays

    30 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

    it was ok the first time. wish i could skip it every other time. i just afk though. The replayability in this game is atrocious. and i feel like the only reason im at 60+ hours trophy hunting rn, is because of the insane amount of in-fight cutscenes, the cheapness of enemies in hardmode, and a jank Chapter Select mode. The content first playthrough though is amazing, albeit our protagonist have an extra thick layer of plot armor on.

    29 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport
    28 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport


    27 Damianalmost 5 yearsReport

    Loved it. Comedic. Mature. Progressive. Fun. Challenging. Everything we want from a square game.

    26 Damianalmost 5 yearsReport

    Normal is boring mundane and backwards. Just like you and the lack of hugs you got during your childhood. I hope you find someone to actualy love you in a way that makes you understand how silly you sound writing stuff like that ob a VIDEO GAME COMMENT SECTION ("take THAT society!")

    25 Damianalmost 5 yearsReport

    If not more agressive even! The jacuzzi scene should def be in here. Im not gay vut i realy believe a red light district without this kinda stuff is just unrealistic.

    24 Damianalmost 5 yearsReport

    And you are the star of it. Shine bright you silly goose

    23 Damianalmost 5 yearsReport

    Lol hell? And who's taking you there? Santa claus? The tooth fairy? Grow up. Also, its a japanese production. Nothing to do with your country. But still... hell?? In which century are you living you backwards piece of meaningless shit?

    22 Ivanalmost 5 yearsReport

    Oh man... you know what? There was always homosexuality since the beginning of time. Even in the roman empire sexual interactions between same sex was seen normal. Just because you are an intolerant, ignorant and uneducated being doesn’t mean that the world need to change. This is a great game and Cloud dressing like a woman was on the original release. Go back to your cave and don’t ever reproduce.

    21 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    You are the mutant. Lol.. stop being so judgmental fruitbasket

    19 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Thanks for this, I was having a tough time with this minigame. Ok, just gotta try it one more time!

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