FF7 Remake

How to Get Ramuh Materia | Ramuh Summon Materia

Ramuh How to Get.png
This is a page about the Ramuh materia, a Summon materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R) DLC Intergrade. Read on to learn how to get this materia.

Ramuh Materia Skills and Information

Basic Information

Ramuh Materia
Materia Type Summon Materia
Effect Allows you to summon Ramuh.


Attack (±) Magic Attack (±) Defense (±) Magic Defense (±)
- - - -
Strength (±) Magic (±) Vitality (±) Spirit (±)
- - - -
Luck (±) Speed (±) Max HP (±) Max MP (±)
- - 90 2

Ramuh Materia Growth and Required AP

Level AP Required Acquired Skill
★1 - Invoke Ramuh to aid you in battle
Role: Deals damage
Element: Lightning
Ultimate Attack: Judgment Bolt

How to Get Ramuh Materia

How to Get the Ramuh Materia
FF7 Remake Only available in the INTERmission DLC.
INTERmission DLC Speak to Chadley and defeat Ramuh in the Shinra Combat Simulator.

Talk to Chadley to Fight Ramuh

In Chapter 1 of the INTERmission DLC, after leaving Avalanche HQ, Yuffie can find Chadley marked on the Map. Visit Chadley to fight Ramuh for a shot at gaining the Ramuh Summon Materia, but be warned, he lives up to his name as a lightning god!
How to Beat Ramuh

Summon Materia Related Links

Summon Materia

List of Summon Materia and How to Get Them

List of Summon Materia
Ifrit Shiva Fat Chocobo Chocobo & Moogle
Leviathan Chocobo Chick Cactuar Carbuncle
Bahamut Ramuh

Other Materia

List of Materia

Magic Materia.pngMagic Command Materia.pngCommand Complete Materia.pngComplete Support Materia.pngSupport Summon Materia.pngSummon
Best Materia Combos | Best Materia for Hard Mode


1 Anonymousover 3 years

For some reason I cannot summon Ramuh. I assign it to Yuffie and when I get the summon bar and it fills up only Sonon is able to summon. The same thing happens when I assign Ramuh to Sonon then Yuffie's only able to summon hers. Am I supposed to be at a certain level to Summon Ramuh?


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