FF7 Remake Walkthrough Comments


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    44 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    It’s just not a fun minigame minigame‘s are supposed to be fun not insidious...

    43 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Jules does not fall before round 2 I just tried this obnoxious mini game 15 times in a row and he falls after his first 2 and when he hits 44 so right at the beginning and right at the end once maybe twice he fell after 5 or 6 but after that it was 44 every single time j also only managed to tie with him once complete garbage is what this is mini games are nothing more than artificial time extenders in ff7 remake I guess they ran out of ideas halfway through so they gave us chores to do

    42 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    I kept losing for a while. I muted the game and started to think of my x, square, triangle, and circle buttons as up, down, left, and right instead. Took 2 more trys and I was so concentrated i didn't even know i won until it was over. 44 to 41.

    41 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    I lost 43-43 then 44-44 bs man

    40 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    I swear it feels like the game throws my speed down slightly, just enough to make me screw up. Not to mention the unfair amount of fatigue mashes I have to do compared to the amount Jules has to do

    39 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    This is bad but way better than the jump rope king in ff9. That trophy is made by a demon.

    38 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Im oddly happy to find other people also struggling with this mini game. On a side note, this a$$ always gets 44 on me most of the time too.

    37 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    This wouldnt even be bad if there wasn't a fucking 30 second load screen every time you fail. Jesus fucking christ, fuck hard drives.

    36 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    I lost a match to Jules 42-42.. He almost always falls at 44 but his AI will change depending on the score

    35 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    The trick that helped me not mess up was visualising the pattern on the controller. The pattern is either 2 diagonals parallel to each other, or 2 lines that cross each other. Split the buttons into these pairs, and just think of moving from one pair to another, rather than crisscrossing a group of 4 buttons. This really helped with my muscle memory of what to press.

    34 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    For everyone claiming that jules got 38 49 42 43 41 etc. I dont believe any of you, I have done this over 30 times now and he gets 44 EVERY time he falls once with about 2.5 seconds remaining in the second round every time

    33 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    This single mini game completely ruined my FF experience. I saved it for post game and now it’s the last thing I remember and it’s a negative. If Jules is getting high 30s or low 40s consider yourself lucky. Not once has he gotten < 40 in my game. (Normally mid to high 40s). Perhaps the difficulty level has something to do with it (I’m on hard mode) as it doesn’t make much sense otherwise. As well, he only falls 1x for me and that is in the first set.

    32 Tvh100 over 4 yearsReport

    I muted it it helped i got theough it without messing up even one he fell twice he still got 44vs my 41 boooo

    31 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Jules is the true final boss of the game. You cant change my mind.

    30 Tenj125over 4 yearsReport

    I have realized shutting off the music and listening to the consistent beeps in slow to fast helped me come to a progressive pass from slow to fast especially after the buttons disappear. When they do you have to keep pressing the 4 buttons in sequence at the same speed gradually getting faster til you maintain the highest pace.

    29 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Wow, I tried for almost an hour, gave up and did some other quests, then decided to try again muting my TV and did it first try. Hearing the clicking of the controller buttons helped keep the pace and rhythm.

    28 Tifa's Husbandoover 4 yearsReport

    I used a fight stick I had and found it much easier since I was less twitchy and my muscle memory works better using more of my hand and arm.

    27 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Beat it! Did everything everyone said. No volume and focused on Tifa. The key for me was to press the highlighted button as fast as possible, If you don't, its as bad as falling down.

    26 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Just find it a bit ridiculous to never fall at all, and lose to him by 2 points. When he falls at least once per round.

    25 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Finally got lucky and rng went in my favor i only got 40 but he got 38, so glad to never have to do that again (til my next playthrough of course)

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