Assassin's Creed Valhalla

All Offering Altar Locations and Guides

This page is about the Offering Altars in the game Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Read on to learn more about their locations and how to get the materials for the offerings.

Offering Altar Locations

Skald's Rest Offering Altar


Map Location
Skald's Rest You can find the Skald's Rest Offering Altar in the city of Dublin just north of the King's Hall and close to Dubgaill's Landing.

Skald's Rest Offering Altar Walkthrough

Rathbride Offering Altar

Rathbride Offering Altar Complete.png

Map Location
Rathbride You can find the Rathbride Offering Altar southwest of the Lisdurrow trading post and across the Liffey River in Meath.

Rathbride Offering Altar Walkthrough

Drumanone Offering Altar

Drumanone Offering Altar Complete (AC Valhalla).png

Map Location
Drumanone You can find the offering altar in the forest northwest of Rathcroghan in Connacht.

Drumanone Offering Altar Walkthroughh

The Morrigan's Altar Offering Altar

The Morrigan

Map Location
The Morrigan's Altar You can find The Morrigan's Altar northeast of Inch Lough Neagh in the eastern region of Ulster.

The Morrigan's Altar Offering Altar Walkthrough

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Mysteries Top Page

Mystery Types

Animus Anomalies Legendary Animals
Cairns Fly Agaric (Mushroom Puzzles)
Standing Stones Flytings
Lost Drengrs Offering Altars
Trials of the Morrigan (Wrath of the Druids DLC)


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