Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE3H) Walkthrough Comments

List of Character BirthdaysComment

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries


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    7 Anonymous2 daysReport

    Ashe's birthday is 10 7, not 10 17

    6 Anonymous2 daysReport

    Can someone edit this already? The birthdays are still wrong!

    3 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Marianne is also mistakenly listed as having Dimitri's Birthday. Hers is 11/23 (Red Wolf Moon).

    2 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Linhardt's is also mistakenly registered as Edelgard's birthday. Linhardt's birthday is 11/7 (Red Wolf Moon).

    1 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Ello! Couldn't help but notice you put Jeritza's birthday as Cyril's birthday. Cyril's birthday is 10/25 (Wyvern Moon).

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