Minecraft Dungeons

How to Pause the Game

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Minecraft Dungeons has a notoriously strict policy on pausing the game. Learn the only method to actually pause the game to prevent your character from dying while you're away from your console!

No In-Game Pause Feature

Damaged Inventory.png

There is no option to pause within the game itself. On in-game menus like the Inventory Screen, Map Screen, the so-called “Pause Menu”, and even the console's home screen, gameplay will continue and enemies will attack you mercilessly.

If you absolutely need to pause the game, however, there is one solution available!

How to Pause the Game

Use the Console's Rest Feature

NOTE: This has only been confirmed to work on the PS4, and has not been tested on the Xbox One or Nintendo Switch.


When the console is placed into Rest Mode, the game will pause at exactly that point, and when returning to the game, you'll be able to start exactly where you left off with no additional damage.

However, keep in mind that this will not work if the game is set to Online Mode. Even if you are playing as a single player in Online Mode, the PS4 will disconnect from the internet in Rest Mode, which will cause you to return to the Main Menu, losing all your progress on a Mission. Be aware of your mode setting first before you try this method!

Other Options to Avoid Damage

Summon Pets to Protect Yourself


If you don't want to put your console into Rest Mode, but don't want your player to take damage from wandering enemies, try summoning as many Pets as possible to automatically defeat any approaching enemies. If you equip three Pet-summoning Artifacts and the Spelunker Armor, you can have as many as four pets to defend your idle hero from harm!

Stay Away from Enemies

This is a no-brainer, but try to find a spot in the level away from where enemies are spawning to leave the game. Corners of the map are usually a safe spot where none of the Arch-Illager's goons will find you!

Related Links

Game Basics

For Advanced Players

All Game Mechanics Guides


7 Anonymous Switch Userover 4 years

You can pause the game on Nintendo Switch by running away from the enemies, going to the home menu, and turning off the switch. IMPORTANT: DO NOT CLOSE THE SOFTWARE

6 Anonymousover 4 years

Players: we want to pause the game. Mojang:


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