Minecraft Dungeons

Do Enchantments Stack?

Stacked Enchantments.png
Have you seen two of the same Enchantments on a piece of equipment? Wondering whether they stack and if you should spend Enchantments Points on both? Read on below to find out whether Enchantments stack, how to stack them and whether you should stack them or not!

Do Enchantments Stack?

Enchantment Effects Stack

Stacked Enchantments.jpg
Every Enchantment will indeed stack its values. The value of the Enchantment's effect will add on top of another Enchantment if it is the same one. This means enchanting a piece of equipment with the same Enchantments is not a waste of Enchantment Points and will even make your Enchantments stronger.

For example, tier 3 Thorns will return 200% of damage received, but if stacked with another tier 3 Thorns, the return damage will be 400% of damage recieved.

How to Stack Enchantments

Stackable Enchantments.png
Equipment will have 1-3 Enchantments slots and sometimes you will see the same Enchantment in more than 1 slot. Enchant both or all 3 of the same Enchantment to stack their effects.

Should you Stack Enchantments?

It can be powerful to stack Enchantments. Stacking Enchantments will increase the value of effects or increase the chance of the effect. This is good on most Enchantments and overpowered on others. Try stacking Enchantments whenever you can and see how powerful can they become!

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3 A non mousover 4 years


2 Gloomwalkerover 4 years

If I have champions armor which gives 35% damage reduction and I get the protection enchantment will it stack to 50% damage reduction, and if so if I get 3 stacks of protection can I get 80% damage reduction?


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