Minecraft Dungeons

How to Farm Unique Weapons & Armors | How to Obtain Unique Gear

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Unique weapons and armors are the best gear in the game and everybody wants them. Although, they can be pretty hard to get. Read on to find out how to get Unique gear and the best ways to farm them!

Where to Farm Unique Gear

Unique Gear are the "unique" versions of the common/rare gear. If you are looking for a specific Unique Gear, determine its common/rare version by checking its name, appearance, effects, and stats.

Once you find out its basic version, look for a mission where its basic version is dropped and you can start farming there for the Unique version of the gear!

How to Get Unique Gear
How to Get All Unique Weapons How to Get All Unique Armor

How to Get Unique Gear

Buying From Blacksmith

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One way to get Unique Gear is by trading in Emeralds at the blacksmith. Unfortunately, it is not guaranteed to be a Unique Gear and will depend on your luck.

Drops From Enemies

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They can also be dropped by enemies after defeating them! Unfortunately, this is also luck based and happens very rarely. You will need to be lucky enough that the mobs drop gear, then you have to be even luckier for it to be Unique!

Bosses Have a Higher Drop Rate

Bosses will always drop either a weapon or armor, so that's the first luck check by-passed. However, they're not always Unique so you'll still have to hope you hit that RNG sweet spot.

Mini-Bosses also have a chance to drop Unique gear, so waste no chances to defeat those too. Even if Enderman only attacks if you do first!


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Opening Chests also have a chance to drop Unique gear from them. The Obsidian Chests have the best chances to drop Unique gear, so keep an eye out for them!

How to Farm Unique Weapons

Farm Emeralds to Buy from the Blacksmith

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The best way to get Unique Weapons is by spending Emeralds at the Blacksmith.

Even if you don't have the best luck and don't get your Unique weapon, you can still get some good gear and maybe some better enchantments than your currently have.

But first, you will need lots and lots of Emeralds, so check out our Emerald farming guide below!

How to Farm Emeralds (Money) Fast

Farm them by Fighting Bosses and Mini-Bosses

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Another way is to choose a mission with a boss fight in it and continually beat the boss. This can be a tedious task, but with the help of a friend it can be made easier (and a lot more fun)!

How to Play with Friends
How to Play Couch Co-Op How to Play Online Co-op

Farm Redstone Golems in Obsidian Pinnacle

There are multiple Redstone Golems in this mission, and fighting and beating each one means several chances of both normal and Unique gear dropping.

Defeat them all for the best shot at getting Unique gear!

Obsidian Pinnacle Mission Walkthrough

Farm by Repeating Levels with Obsidian Chests

Obsidian Chest in Soggy Cave

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There is a guaranteed Obsidian Chest at the end of Soggy Cave. It's fairly quick to get to (especially after memorizing the switch patterns) - A great place to farm an Obsidian Chest!

How to Unlock All Secret Levels

Obsidian Chest in Desert Temple

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This chest is tied to a Secret in Desert Temple that sometimes doesn't work, and it seems to be a bug. You can hear the door opening, but you won't be able to go in and get the loot, so we're hoping this will get fixed in a patch in the future!

It's in the room with 3 beacons that you can enter after you use the Gold Key. If the camera angle is right, you can see some ledges right by the entrance.

If you get down to the lowest ledge, it will open a door leading to an Obsidian Chest!

Desert Temple Mission Walkthrough & Guide

Obsidian Chest in Highblock Halls

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There is a consistent Obsidian chest that will appear in this mission every time. You will no doubt encounter it. Opening the chest will give you some good loot and even possibly a Unique weapon or armor. If a unique does not drop you can quit the mission then try again!

Highblock Halls Mission Walkthrough

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13 Anonymousover 4 years

They don’t protect you from the fire though

12 Anonymousover 4 years

I get Imploding crossbows for 419 moneys


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