Minecraft Dungeons

Beginner's Guide to Minecraft Dungeons | What to Know First

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Welcome to the beginner's guide to Minecraft Dungeons. This guide will discuss the things you should know and tips for for the early game!

Beginner's Guide: Things to Know When Starting Minecraft Dungeons

Controls and How to Play

The controls and how to play the game is the first thing you will need to learn before jumping right into the thick of things. Even with the tutorial mission, you might want to read more of the controls and how to play. There is a lot to learn in this section so we wrote a whole article on it. Check it out in the link below!

Basic Controls and How to Play

Enchanting Equipment

It is important to spend your Enchantment points to increase your equipment's effectiveness with Enchantments. Go to your inventory and select the equipment you would like to enchant. Press the Enchantments button and you will see the list of Enchantments. Here you will have to spend a point on the Enchantment. Be careful, you can only choose one out of the 3 enchantments. And once you have spent your points, the only way to get them back is to salvage the equipment.

List of Enchantments

Choose the Recommended Difficulty

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When choosing a mission you should choose the difficulty recommended by the game for the mission. Making it too low can make things easier for you, but you will be getting equipment and Artifacts that are of a lower level while choosing too high can give you a hard time and is not generally worth it unless you want a challenge.

What is the Difficulty Bar?

Spend Emeralds on the Trader or Blacksmith

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Spend those Emeralds! Emeralds are the currency used in Minecraft Dungeons and can be used to purchase more Artifacts and equipment. It is best practice to spend them wisely. If you already have the recommended Power for your level, it is best to wait until you feel like your current equipment is not enough and you need an upgrade.

How to Farm Emeralds (Money) Fast

Salvage Equipment and Artifacts for Emeralds

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Equipment that is lower Power is just going to sit uselessly in your inventory. It is better to salvage them and get some value out of them at least. There is not much to do with low power equipment besides that. It is also the only way to get back Enchantment points you have spent on equipment. So salvage whatever whenever you can.

Increase Your Power

Power is the average of all your equipped artifacts and equipment. Increasing your power is important to be able to make the higher difficulty bars your recommended difficulty, which will let you gain more equipment at higher power. If you do not increase your Power, you can have a harder time in higher difficulties which has a high recommended power, even for the lowest possible difficulty.
Explanation of Stats

Early Game Tips

Equip Higher Power Equipment Right Away

The higher the Power the stronger the equipment. Having the right equipment is important when completing the mission, having it too low can make it difficult fighting mobs. If you find some equipment at a higher level than your current equipment, it is best practice to immediately equip them, they can make it easier for you in the long run.

Best Early Game Equipment
Best Weapons for Early Game Best Armor for Early Game Best Artifacts for Early Game

Use Your Minimap and Map

The minimap is one of the most useful tools at your disposal. Having it open can show you lay of the land and give you an idea of where to go and avoid getting lost. It can show you dead ends that might hold secrets you can discover.

Holding down the map button and opening the map can also show you the area, but even better will show you how many secrets and chests there are and how many of them you have found and collected.

How to Open the Map

Spend Enchantment Points Wisely

Enchantment points are valuable resources that can significantly benefit you if placed into the right Enchantments. It is fairly easy to recover spent Enchantment points, all you need to do is salvage the equipment with the Enchantment/s.

But just because it is easy to get them back should not mean you can spend your points willy nilly. It is important to select the right Enchantments for your equipment and build to get the most out of your points spent. There is also the problem of having to salvage good equipment just to get your Enchantment points back.

Best Enchantments for Early Game

Search the Camp for a Chest

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Not only do you receive an Artifact after each mission, but you will also find a chest filled with emeralds in the camp if it was the first time you completed it. Spend some time walking around the camp to find this chest for some Emeralds to spend! There are also other secrets hidden waiting to be discovered in the Camp so keep an eye out!

All Camp Secrets

Combat Tips

Watch Your Healing Potion Cool Down

Besides your health potion and consumables dropped by enemies, there are not many ways to heal. If your Health Potion is still on cooldown it is best to play more defensive and safe while waiting for it!

Roll Strategically

Rolling can be a powerful tool to get yours to get out of sticky situations. But it can also put you in sticky situations if not used wisely. The roll can allow you to gain some distance again enemies, but will also slow you down while it is on cooldown. The slowed movement speed can make you a sitting duck. Make sure when you roll it is in the direction of safety!

Check out more combat tips and tricks in our guide on combat below!

How to Fight: Battle Strategy Guide

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