Minecraft Dungeons

List of Weapon Enchantments

This is a list of Weapon Enchantments appearing in the game Minecraft Dungeons. Learn about the offensive effects provided by each Weapon Enchantment!

What are Weapon Enchantments?


The Poison Cloud Enchantment in use.

Enchantments are used to grant additional effects to Weapons and Armor. As Minecraft Dungeons has no Classes or Abilities of any type, players will distinguish their play styles by attaching Enchantments to their Weapons and Armor which help them play a certain role on their team.

Weapon Enchantments add an additional offensive effect to Weapons they are applied to. When just dealing damage won't cut it, consider changing out your Weapon Enchantments to better match the opponents you're facing!

List of Weapons

List of Weapon Enchantments

Name Effect Tier
Accelerate ImageAccelerate Increases attack speed for each consecutive shot. Resets one second after the attack. S Rank Icon
Anima Conduit ImageAnima Conduit Each soul you absorb grants a small amount of health. S Rank Icon
Bonus Shot ImageBonus Shot Firing a shot also fires a second shot at a nearby enemy. The second shot has reduced damage. C Rank Icon
Chain Reaction ImageChain Reaction Powerful EnchantmentHas a chance to fire five arrows in all directions on impact. A Rank Icon
Chains ImageChains Has a 30% chance to chain a cluster of mobs together and keep them bound for a short time. C Rank Icon
Committed ImageCommitted Deal increased damage against already wounded enemies. S Rank Icon
Critical Hit ImageCritical Hit Powerful EnchantmentGives you a chance to inflict critical hits dealing triple damage. S Rank Icon
Echo ImageEcho Some of your attacks are followed up by another in rapid succession A Rank Icon
Enigma Resonator ImageEnigma Resonator Gives a chance to deal triple damage based on the number of souls you have. S Rank Icon
Exploding ImageExploding Powerful EnchantmentMobs explode after they are defeated. B Rank Icon
Fire Aspect ImageFire Aspect Sets mobs on fire for 3 seconds, dealing damage over time B Rank Icon
Freezing ImageFreezing Slows mobs after hit for three seconds. S Rank Icon
Fuse Shot ImageFuse Shot Every few shots has a timed charge that explodes one second after impact, dealing 100% damage to nearby mobs. A Rank Icon
Gravity ImageGravity Powerful EnchantmentThis effect pulls mobs in range towards the weapon's impact point. S Rank Icon
Growing ImageGrowing The fired shot grows in the air, dealing extra damage to distant targets. A Rank Icon
Infinity ImageInfinity Chance to immediately replenish an arrow after shooting. A Rank Icon
Leeching ImageLeeching Defeating a mob heals you a small portion of the mob's max health A Rank Icon
Looting ImageLooting Increases the chance for mobs to drop consumables. B Rank Icon
Multishot ImageMultishot Grants the chance to fire five arrows at once. A Rank Icon
Piercing ImagePiercing Fired arrows sometimes gain the piercing effect, which allows them to fly through multiple mobs. S Rank Icon
Poison Cloud ImagePoison Cloud Has a 30% chance to summon a poison cloud that deals damage to enemies in an area for three seconds. B Rank Icon
Power ImagePower Power boosts arrow damage. A Rank Icon
Prospector ImageProspector Find more Emeralds on fallen enemies. A Rank Icon
Punch ImagePunch Boosts arrow pushback. C Rank Icon
Radiance ImageRadiance Powerful EnchantmentHas a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it. S Rank Icon
Radiance Shot ImageRadiance Shot Has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies within it. B Rank Icon
Rampaging ImageRampaging May give you a temporary attack speed boost S Rank Icon
Rapid Fire ImageRapid Fire Increases your attack speed. A Rank Icon
Ricochet ImageRicochet Small chance for arrows to ricochet off mobs. A Rank Icon
Sharpness ImageSharpness Makes your weapon sharper, making it deal more damage A Rank Icon
Shockwave ImageShockwave Powerful EnchantmentThe last attack in a combo launches a shockwave, damaging enemies. A Rank Icon
Smiting ImageSmiting Increases damage against the Undead B Rank Icon
Soul Siphon ImageSoul Siphon When you hit an enemy, gain a 10% chance to grant you a bunch of extra souls. S Rank Icon
Stunning ImageStunning Chance to temporarily stun enemies. B Rank Icon
Supercharge ImageSupercharge Charged shots deal more damage and have more pushback. A Rank Icon
Swirling ImageSwirling Powerful EnchantmentThe last attack in a combo performs a swirling attack, damaging nearby enemies. A Rank Icon
Tempo Theft ImageTempo Theft Powerful EnchantmentSteals a small amount of a mob's movement speed and gives it to you for four seconds. B Rank Icon
Thundering ImageThundering Has a 30% chance to summon a lightning strike that damages nearby enemies. A Rank Icon
Unchanting ImageUnchanting Projectiles deal more damage to enchanted enemies. B Rank Icon
Weakening ImageWeakening Your attacks temporarily decrease the attack damage of all nearby enemies S Rank Icon
Wild Rage ImageWild Rage Hitting an enemy has a chance to send it into a rage, making it hostile towards everyone. A Rank Icon

Related Links

Types of Enchantments
Weapon Enchantments Armor Enchantments

List of Enchantments


6 Anonymousalmost 2 years

there is no levitation shot on the list for the bow

3 Anonymousalmost 5 years

what do you mean? it's all in here lol.


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