Minecraft Dungeons

Level Cap | What is the Max Level?


Reaching the level cap should be one of your goals in Minecraft Dungeons, but up to what level are you exactly grinding to? Read on to learn more!

How to Level Up

Gain EXP by Defeating Mobs

You gain EXP that adds to your EXP bar as you defeat mobs. Easier mobs only give a small EXP gain while more difficult mobs give a lot of EXP, especially the bosses.

After you have obtained enough EXP to fill your EXP bar, your level will be increased by 1 which gives you an enchantment point for enchanting your gear while also immediately restoring your HP to full.

Check our guide below for methods of quickly farming EXP!

How to Level Up Fast

What is the Level Cap?

Trophy for Level 50

Expert Explorer.jpg

Most RPGs feature a Level Cap or the maximum level that your character can reach. Achieving this is never easy, regardless of the game that you're playing.

For Minecraft Dungeons, however, there seems to be a hint of the level cap if you immediately check the trophy list before playing the game.

A trophy can be unlocked once your reach level 50 and there are no other trophies that are rewarded for reaching a higher level.

List of Trophies (Achievements)

No Confirmed Level Cap

However, level 50 is not the max level. A lot of players have already reached a level higher than that, and even higher than level 100!

So for now, there seems to be no level cap for the game and you can grind for as much as you like!

This is even more obvious if you think of how many Enchantment Points you'll need to max out all 3 gears with 3 Powerful Enchantments each, which is a total of 81 Points.

The extra enchantment points might be used for the upcoming DLC of the game. Or you could use them for spare gear and try out some of our recommended builds!

Best Builds

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13 Anonymousover 4 years

I told him not to salvage anything or I'll smack him. He salvaged my armor that's why I smacked him.

12 Anonymousover 4 years

HAHAHAHAHA. Poor little brother. Why would you smack him though? You could have just scolded him.


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