Minecraft Dungeons

How to Beat Enderman | Boss Fight Guide

On fire.jpg

This is a strategy guide for beating Enderman, a Boss in the game Minecraft Dungeons. Learn about Enderman's attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Enderman | Battle Overview


Enderman appears in Soggy Swamp. It quickly charges towards a player and attacks a few times before disappearing. After a few seconds, it will appear near its next target.

Best Equipment and Artifacts for Enderman

Melee Armor Ranged
Diamond Sword
(Fire Aspect)
Archer's Armor
Slayer Crossbow
Tasty Bone Fireworks Arrow Boots of Swiftness

The Enderman is best fought with ranged attacks so the melee weapon does not really matter much, but equip your best one just in case you have to fight him head-on. You can also swap the Diamond Sword with a higher damaging weapon or a weapon with Sharpness enchantment.

With the Archer's Armor's movespeed aura, Swiftfooted enchantment, and your Boots of Swiftness, you can easily move away from the Enderman.

Enderman Attacks and Abilities

Screen Disturbance


You will notice screen disturbances when Enderman is nearby. This is your signal to prepare for the boss battle!

Melee Attack

The Enderman will go straight to a player before attacking with its arms. Even though its attack is very simple, it has quite a long range and high damage.



After attacking (or being attacked) a few times, it will disappear and reappear near a player before attacking again.

Tips & Strategies for Beating Enderman

Strategy Checklist

Equip Your Best Armor

The Enderman's melee attacks hit hard so equip your armor with the highest defense to take less damage from them.

Use Ranged Attacks

Ranged attack.jpg

You can also get away from Enderman before attacking with your ranged weapon from a safe distance. Use the wolf from the Tasty Bone as a lure and rain arrows while the Enderman is attacking it.

Do Not Forget to Heal


Enderman's attacks are difficult to avoid because of its range and the Enderman reappears near you before attacking. If your are low on health, remember to use your potion by pressing L1.

Related Links


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All Boss Fight Guides


20 Anonymousover 4 years


19 Anonymousover 4 years

Maybe they could adjust this? It's very unfair. When you thought you are in a safe area and you gotta pee, they'll attack you. Actually, putting a pause button is the best solution for this.


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