Minecraft Dungeons

Difficulty Modes

Apocalypse unlocked.jpg

This is a guide for the difficulty modes in Minecraft Dungeons. Read on to learn more about the different difficulty modes and settings as well as how to unlock them!

Difficulty Modes

There are 3 difficulty modes available in the game: Default, Adventure, and Apocalypse. Each of these difficulties offers a different challenge and a set of rewards to match. You can change to a difficulty you have already unlocked on the world map by pressing the triangle () button.



Default difficulty is the...well, the DEFAULT difficulty of the game which means it is already set at the beginning of the game.

Enemies in Default difficulty are balanced so they are neither too easy or too difficult. Perfect for a fresh start.

There are only a few enchanted enemies that can be encountered here and most of them are just enchanted by priests and not naturally enchanted.

Most of the items in the game can already be unlocked in this difficulty but their power level are, of course, inferior to those that you can get on higher difficulties.



Adventure difficulty is unlocked after beating all 10 story missions in Default difficulty.

Enemies have increased health and deal more damage. There is also a noticeable increase of enchanted enemies in this mode and most of their enchantments are new for someone who just finished Default difficulty.

To match the increased difficulty, there are new gear and artifacts available to unlock and all have power levels higher than those you can get from the earlier difficulty. Also, powerful enchantments become available and has a chance to appear on the equipments that you obtain here.



Finally, the Apocalypse difficulty is unlocked after beating all 10 story missions in Adventure difficulty.

Enemies get tankier and murderous than ever before and more enemies have powerful enchantments.

Of course, the game will reward you for overcoming these challenges by having the endgame gear and artifacts available and increasing their available power levels together with the items that you already have unlocked from the previous difficulties.

Difficulty Bar

Difficulty bar.jpg

The Difficulty bar refers to the bar that you can adjust while selecting a mission.

You can adjust the difficulty level of the mission before you play it by pressing L1 to make it easier or R1 to make it harder. Take note that you cannot play on a difficulty that is lower than the minimum difficulty which is shown on the bar as "locked".

After selecting a mission, a difficulty level is selected by default which has the closest recommended power to your current power. This means that if you play the mission on this difficulty level, the enemies' strength match yours in your current equipment setup.

As you might have already guessed, rewards like EXP, gear, and artifacts are better on higher difficulty levels than lower ones but they are more difficult to obtain since the enemies are adjusted accordingly.

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6 Anonymousover 3 years

How do boss missions work i can't figure it out

5 Anonymousover 4 years

Yeah. Is it really harder or it's just the same? Update the game more mojang. Not just bug fixes. Improve the gameplay more


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