Minecraft Dungeons

How to Beat The Arch-Illager | Boss Fight Guide


This is a strategy guide for beating The Arch-Illager, a Boss in the game Minecraft Dungeons. Learn about Arch-Illager's attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Arch-Illager | Battle Overview


Arch-Illager, the main antagonist, is encountered in Obsidian Pinnacle. He attacks with magic orbs and teleports when in danger. He can also summon different mobs to fight for him, even Redstone Golems.

Best Equipment and Artifacts for Arch-Illager

Melee Armor Ranged
(Echo, Fire Aspect)
Grim Armor
Feral Soul Crossbow
(Infinity, Anima Conduit)
Iron Hide Amulet Soul Healer Boots of Swiftness

Use the Iron Hide Amulet when you are clearing the summons or if you plan to fight Arch-Illager head-on.

Try not to consume much of your collected souls to maximize the critical boost of Feral Soul Crossbow.

Arch-Illager Attacks and Abilities

Magic Orbs

The Arch-Illager's main attack is shooting 3 magic orbs. These orbs are quite slow, but they are difficult to dodge because of its frequency and the additional enemies in the field.

Summon Mobs

He can also summon different kinds of mobs to fight for him. The mobs that he can summon are those that you have fought in the Obsidian Pinnacle, yes, even the Redstone Golems.


Arch-Illager can enchant the mobs that he summons to grant them buffs.


Most of the time, he will teleport away from you when you approach or attack him. Very annoying.

Tips & Strategies for Beating Arch-Illager

Strategy Checklist

Take Out the Mobs First


The mobs can be very annoying as they can make it difficult for you to dodge Arch-Illager's attacks. Take them out first before focusing your attacks to the Arch-Illager.

Sever the Tether

When the Arch--Illager enchants some of the mobs that he summons. Since he stays in place while he enchants mobs, stay away from him to lure the enchanted mobs. If the mob is far enough from the Arch-Illager, the tether that enchants the mobs will disappear.

Make Use of the Launch Pads

Launch Pads.jpg

Use the launch pads placed around the battlefield to move around and find an optimal position where you can take out the mobs and deal damage to the Arch-Illager.

Use Ranged Attacks


If you think that it would be unwise to rush the Arch-Illager with your melee attacks like having low health, distance yourself from him and use ranged attacks for the meantime until you find a good opportunity to get close or have a healing item ready to use.

Related Links


Enderman ImageEnderman Jungle Abomination ImageJungle Abomination Evoker ImageEvoker
Corrupted Cauldron ImageCorrupted Cauldron Redstone Golem ImageRedstone Golem Nameless One ImageNameless One
Redstone Monstrosity ImageRedstone Monstrosity Arch-Illager ImageArch-Illager Heart of Ender ImageHeart of Ender
Mooshroom Monstrosity ImageMooshroom Monstrosity

All Boss Fight Guides


23 Anonymousover 4 years

Sometimes the attack of the Golem doesn't deal damage. I think it is a bug.

22 Anonymousover 4 years

The Golem is still strong though. +25% hp is a great buff.


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