Minecraft Dungeons

Desert Temple Mission Walkthrough & Guide | Desert Temple Secrets

Desert Temple Banner
This is Game8's walkthrough of the Desert Temple Mission in the game Minecraft Dungeons. Learn how to get through this level, what gear and artifacts can be found here, its secrets, secret level location, and tips and strategies for beating it!

Previous Mission Current Mission Next Mission
Cacti Canyon Desert Temple Highblock Halls
Unlockable Secret Mission
Lower Temple

Basic Information

How to Unlock Desert Temple

Desert Temple is a Normal Mission which can be accessed by progressing normally through the game. Clear the previous Mission, Cacti Canyon, to unlock it.

Weapon Drops

Glaive ImageGlaive NightmareNightmare's Bite Shortbow ImageShortbow
Sickles ImageSickles Soul Knife ImageSoul Knife Mechanical Shortbow ImageMechanical Shortbow
Truthseeker ImageTruthseeker Venom Glaive ImageVenom Glaive Eternal Knife ImageEternal Knife
The Last Laugh ImageThe Last Laugh Grave Bane ImageGrave Bane

Armor Drops

Grim Armor ImageGrim Armor Thief Armor ImageThief Armor Wither Armor ImageWither Armor
Spider Armor ImageSpider Armor Mystery Armor ImageMystery Armor

Artifact Drops

Boots of Swiftness ImageBoots of Swiftness Shock Powder ImageShock Powder Torment Quiver ImageTorment Quiver
Totem of Shielding ImageTotem of Shielding Gong of Weakening ImageGong of Weakening

Recommended Power for Each Difficulty

Recommended Power
Default - - 10 16 22 27 33
Adventure - - 45 51 56 62 68
Apocalypse - - 80 86 91 97 103

Gear and Artifact Power for Each Difficulty

Gear and Artifact Power
Default - - 12-19 18-25 18-27 18-29
Adventure - - 18-34 18-36 18-37 18-39
Apocalypse - - 65-77 65-79 65-80 65-82

Note: These are base values and will increase based on highest Power reached.

Mission Objectives

Find the Tomb

Desert Temple Find the Tomb
Follow the markers to find the tomb.

Find the Gold Key

Desert Temple Find the Gold Key
There is a Gold Gate in the way. Find the Gold Key and bring it to the gate to unlock it!

Find the Tomb

Desert Temple Find the Tomb #2
Continue following the markers to find the tomb. Watch out, the Enderman will appear and try to stop you!

Survive the Ambush

Desert Temple Survive the Ambush
The Arch-Illager has set up an ambush to try and stop you. Defeat his minions and survive the ambush!

Reach the Tomb

Desert Temple Reach the Tomb.jpg
Continue following the markers. Enderman will appear for round 2. Beat him and continue.

Fetch the Staff

Desert Temple Fetch the Staff
You have finally found the tomb. Go and pick up the staff to continue!

Defeat the Nameless One

Desert Temple Defeat the Nameless One
Looks like the Nameless One was awakened. Defeat him!

Escape the Temple

Desert Temple Escape the Temple
Head to the exit to escape the tomb and complete the mission.

Secret Level

Lower Temple


The map for the Lower Temple is unlocked within the Desert Temple. You can find the room containing the map after unlocking a gate with the golden key. Once inside the room, light up the 3 beacons located at the corners to reveal a bridge that leads to the map.

How to Find the Lower Temple

Rune Location

Desert Temple Rune

Desert Temple Rune Location
During the objective to open the Gold gate, you can find a switch in the corner of the room after the room with the Gold Key. Pressing it will open a secret door with the Rune waiting inside!

Note: The secret switches to find the Runes only appear after finding the Church after beating the game the first time.

All Rune Locations

Secret Locations

Obsidian Chest

Obsidian Chest Secret.jpg
This Obsidian chest seems to be bugged and is not guaranteed. After opening the Gold gate you will pass by a entrance to a room. Entering the room will tell you if the secret is available. If the path way is from upper left to lower right you can find the secret by rolling off the right path to a ledge made of sand.

If the orientation is the other way and you roll onto the ledge, you can not enter the entrance and will require you to retry the mission. Once you land on the ledge a secret door will open and inside is the Obsidian chest.

All Obsidian Chest Locations

Fancy Chest

Fancy Chest Secret.jpg
The fancy chest is in the same room as the Obsidian Chest and will also require the same steps to get to. Unlike the Obsidian chest, this chest is guarenteed to spawn everytime. After rolling onto the ledge you can find it by following the ledge up to get back onto the main path. On your way back a secret chest will spawn!

Chest Locations

Across the Chasm

Desert Temple Chest 1
You will pass by a room you can enter during this mission. If you enter it, you will find a chest on a platform across a chasm on the other side of the room. You will need to look around and activate 3 beacons to activate the bridge to get to the chest!

Tips & Strategies

Defeat the Necromancers Quickly

Desert Temple Necromancers
These enemies can summon more zombies and skeletons. Defeat them as soon as possible to avoid getting overwhelmed!

Watch Out for the Traps

There are hidden traps everywhere in the temple. Be careful where you step, as when stepping on a trigger the traps will activate.

Boss Strategy Guide


Desert Temple Enderman

Dodge Its Attacks

When it appears, try and dodge its attack by moving to the side and attacking him from there!

The Nameless One

Desert Temple Fighting the Nameless One

Defeat the Skeletons While Dodging the Projectiles

You will have to defeat the Skeletons the Nameless One summons during the fight. Dodge the Nameless One's projectiles while you are dealing with the minions. The Totem of Shielding can help with defeating them without worrying about projectiles!

Attack When It is Charging the Staff

After defeating the summoned Skeletons, the Nameless One will fire a few more projectiles before charging its staff. This is your chance to go on the offensive. Hit him with all you got before he finishes charging!

Related Links

All Story Missions

1Squid Coast
2Creeper Woods
3Pumpkin Pastures
4Soggy Swamp
5Cacti Canyon
6Redstone Mines
7Desert Temple
8Fiery Forge
9Highblock Halls
10Obsidian Pinnacle

All Secret Missions

2-SCreepy Crypt
3-SArch Haven
4-SSoggy Cave
7-SLower Temple
?Secret Cow Level (???)

List of Missions


22 Anonymousover 4 years

I don't really see the problem of it not spawning properly. 5 reruns, 5 obsidian chests.

21 Anonymousover 4 years

Still not guaranteed but it has a high chance of spawning.


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