Minecraft Dungeons

How to Beat Jungle Abomination | Jungle Awakens Boss Fight Guide

Jungle Abomination Banner.jpg

This is a strategy guide for beating Jungle Abomination, a Boss in the game Minecraft Dungeons from the Jungle Awakens DLC. Learn about Jungle Abomination's attack patterns, weaknesses, and tips and strategies for defeating them.

Jungle Abomination | Battle Overview

Jungle Abomination Attack.jpg
The Jungle Abomination, fought at the end of Overgrown Temple, is a giant Golem that summons mobs and tries to squish you with its fist or stab you with its tendrils.

Overgrown Temple Mission Walkthrough

Best Equipment and Artifacts for Jungle Abomination

Melee Armor Ranged
Figher's Bindings(Critical Hit) Full Metal Armor
Harp Crossbow
Gong of Weakening Golem Kit Fireworks

Jungle Abomination Attacks and Abilities

Slam Attack

Jungle Abomination Slam Attack.jpg
The Jungle Abomination will bring its arm up preparing to attack then after a moment will slam the ground with its hammer arm, sending out a shockwave on impact. It damages you in a wide area in front of it.

Summons Mobs

Jungle Abomination Summoning.jpg
The Jungle Abomination summons Whisperers and Leapleafs that will attack you and make the fight harder. The Whisperers can even summon Poison-Quill Vines, making it even harder.

Tendril Attack

Jungle Abomination Tendril.jpg
The Jungle Abomination put its tendril arm into the ground, and after a brief moment, wiill send multiple tendril out of the ground to damage you. It is much faster than the slam attack and can hit from afar.

Tips and Strategies for Beating the Jungle Abomination

Strategy Checklist

Get Behind It

Jungle Abomination Get Behind it.jpg
Its slam attack hits a wide area in front of it. If you want to attack it with your melee weapons, you best bet is behind it! Luckily it moves pretty slowly and does its slam attack pretty slowly. Take advantage of those and get behind it and start swinging!

Deal with the Whisperers ASAP

Jungle Abomination Attack the Summons.jpg
The Whispers can be a huge problem if left alone. The vines they summon can make it hard to dodge the Abomination's attacks, they can also summon Poison-Quill Vines, adding more damage against you!

Watch the Ground for the Tendrils

Jungle Abominations Tendrils 2.jpg
When the Jungle Abomination put its arms into the groun, immidiately keep your eyes on the ground near you. Right before the tendrils come out, you will see indicators of where they will come out. Get away from them and you will be safe from the tendrils!

Go All Out When it's Vulnerable

Junlge Abomination Roar.jpg
There are some moments where it will start roaring. This is the best chance to drop your defense and go all out on offense! It will not be doing any attacks for a few seconds, giving you a chance to swing like a mad man.

All Boss Fight Guides

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Related Links

Jungle Awakens

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Dingy Jungle.jpgJungle Awakens Missions Secret.jpgAll Jungle Awakens Secrets
Jungle Abomination.jpgJungle Abomination Boss Fight Guide Corrupted Seeds.jpgJungle Awakens New Equipment and Artifacts


Tips & Tricks

Game Information


4 Anonymousover 4 years

It has a little bit less health but greater damage use an iron hide amulet

3 Anonymousover 4 years

The only letdown against this boss is that it will not attack in a brief moment. The game is too player-friendly.


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