Minecraft Dungeons

How to Unlock the Arch Haven Secret Mission | Pumpkin Pastures Secret Level

Arch Haven.jpg

This is a guide to unlocking the Arch Haven secret level in Minecraft Dungeons. Read on to know where to find the map that unlocks the Arch Haven!

Finding the Pumpkin Pastures Secret Level

Arch Haven is a secret level that is unlocked within Pumpkin Pastures.

Like every other secret level, you will need to find the secret level's map first at its associated level before you can enter it through the map.

Pumpkin Pastures Mission Walkthrough

Unlocking the Arch Haven

Enter the Pumpkin Pastures

Since the Arch Haven is Pumpkin Pastures' secret level, you should start your search by entering Pumpkin Pastures through the map.

You can find the map regardless of difficulty so you can play at the lowest difficulty for a faster search!

Survive the Attack

Pumpkin Pastures Survive the Attack #1

Play through the mission until you reach the part where the Arch-Illager sets an ambush.

Get Past the Drawbridge

Pumpkin Pastures Lower the Drawbridge

After surviving the ambush, move onward until you reach the drawbridge and clear the Lower the Drawbridge objective.

Find the Village

Pumpkin Pastures Find the Village #2

Past the drawbridge is where the ship is supposed to appear. Check every area of the map and if you can't find the ship before you reach the village, you must restart the mission and go to this area again until it appears.

Appears Randomly

The ship that contains the map to Arch Haven appears randomly at a very low chance, but wait, there's more.

Even if you check your map for secrets at the beginning of the mission, you can't be sure that the ship is one of the secrets until you go deep into the mission. The ship can be found during the Find the Village objective, which is past the Lower the Drawbridge objective. These are near the end of the mission so prepare for a severe headache as you might have to do countless resets before the ship appears.

Get the Map


Once you find the ship (congratulations), go inside and a few mobs will spawn. Defeat them all and grab the map nearby to unlock the Arch Haven!

Arch Haven Mission Walkthrough & Guide

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