Minecraft Dungeons

Is Soul Siphon Worth It? | Soul Siphon Effects by Tier

Soul Siphon is a Melee Weapon Enchantment in the game Minecraft Dungeons. Find out whether Soul Siphon is a good Enchantment to use, and about the Stats and Effects of Soul Siphon at each Tier!

Soul Siphon Effects by Tier

Soul Siphon
Soul Siphon Image
When you hit an enemy, gain a 10% chance to grant you a bunch of extra souls.
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
3 souls 6 souls 9 souls

Is Soul Siphon Worth It?

Soul Siphon Skill Rank

Skill Ranking S Rank Icon

If you're aiming for a Soul build, this enchantment is a must. You will have all the souls you need with this enchantment since you don't have to kill a mob before you gain souls. Since it has a low proc chance, you should keep hitting an enemy to maximize its effect especially if your weapon is slow.

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Weapon Enchantments

Melee Weapon Enchantments

Anima Conduit ImageAnima Conduit Chains ImageChains Committed ImageCommitted
Critical Hit ImageCritical Hit Echo ImageEcho Enigma Resonator ImageEnigma Resonator
Exploding ImageExploding Fire Aspect ImageFire Aspect Freezing ImageFreezing
Gravity ImageGravity Leeching ImageLeeching Looting ImageLooting
Poison Cloud ImagePoison Cloud Prospector ImageProspector Radiance ImageRadiance
Rampaging ImageRampaging Sharpness ImageSharpness Shockwave ImageShockwave
Smiting ImageSmiting Soul Siphon ImageSoul Siphon Stunning ImageStunning
Swirling ImageSwirling Thundering ImageThundering Weakening ImageWeakening

Ranged Weapon Enchantments

Accelerate ImageAccelerate Bonus Shot ImageBonus Shot Chain Reaction ImageChain Reaction
Enigma Resonator ImageEnigma Resonator Fuse Shot ImageFuse Shot Gravity ImageGravity
Growing ImageGrowing Infinity ImageInfinity Multishot ImageMultishot
Piercing ImagePiercing Poison Cloud ImagePoison Cloud Power ImagePower
Punch ImagePunch Radiance Shot ImageRadiance Shot Rapid Fire ImageRapid Fire
Ricochet ImageRicochet Supercharge ImageSupercharge Tempo Theft ImageTempo Theft
Unchanting ImageUnchanting Wild Rage ImageWild Rage

List of Weapon Enchantments


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