Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Damage Dropoff Skill Guide: Effects and Upgrade Cost

Damage Dropoff is a Weapon Skill in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope (Mario Rabbids 2). Read on to see its effects, levels, upgrade costs, and pre-requisite skills, as well as the hero characters that can use it and how to it used.

Damage Dropoff Overview

Damage Dropoff Effect

Damage Dropoff
Mario Rabbids Damage Dropoff Type Weapon
Effect Decrease the damage dropoff.

Characters with Damage Dropoff

List of Heroes

BowserBowser PeachPeach LuigiLuigi

Damage Dropoff Levels and Upgrade Cost


Lv Effect Prisms
1 -10% DMG Dropoff within 8m 1
2 -10% DMG Dropoff within 8m 2

Level Progression

Lv 1
Lv 2


Lv Effect Prisms
1 -20% DMG dropoff at long-range 2
2 -20% DMG dropoff at long-range 2

Level Progression

Lv 1
Lv 2


Lv Effect Prisms
1 -20% DMG Dropoff within blast radius 1
2 -20% DMG Dropoff within blast radius 2

Level Progression

Lv 1
Lv 2

Damage Dropoff Prerequisite Skills

Character Skill Effect
LuigiLuigi Critical Hit Damage Critical Hit Damage Increases the damage of a critical hit.

How to Use Damage Dropoff

Decreases the Damage Dropoff of a Hero's Weapon

Some Heroes have what is called damage dropoff, which is when the weapon's damage decreases depending on its distance from the Hero or their target. Damage Dropoff is beneficial for all the Heroes that can use it so it is best to invest in this skill once you have the available prisms.

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope Related Guides

Mario   Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Skills
List of Skills

All Skill Categories
Health Movement Weapon
Technique Spark

List of All Weapon Skills

Critical Hit ChanceCritical Hit Chance Weapon RangeWeapon Range Weapon DamageWeapon Damage Final HitFinal Hit
Life TradeLife Trade Jump ShotJump Shot Second HelpingSecond Helping Blade Halo IncreaseBlade Halo Increase
Chain BoostChain Boost Critical Hit DamageCritical Hit Damage High GroundHigh Ground Wider ShotWider Shot
Fighting SpiritFighting Spirit Punch FrenzyPunch Frenzy No LimitsNo Limits Discruptor Ricochet DistanceDiscruptor Ricochet Distance
Discruptor Chained Targets +Discruptor Chained Targets + Extra AmmoExtra Ammo Heat UpHeat Up Damage DropoffDamage Dropoff
DemolisherDemolisher Critical Hit DamageCritical Hit Damage


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