Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Best Signature Abilities Tier List

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope Best Signature Abilities Tier List

Our tier list ranks the best signature abilities used by each hero in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope (Mario Rabbids 2) based on their usefulness in combat and overall gameplay. Read on to see our tier list ranking of each ability and why we recommend them.

Best Signature Abilities Tier List

Signature Ability Rankings

S Tier
Heal Steely Stare
A Tier
Counter Blow Team Barrier Hero Sight
B Tier
Stormblade Rabbid Mechakoopas
C Tier
Exhaust Ennui

Criteria for Ranking
・ Signature abilities are ranked based not only on their benefit to the character, but also to the overall team.
・ Unique signature abilities that are difficult to replace are given higher rankings.
・ Signature abilities on characters that cannot effectively use them will receive lower tier rankings.
・ The base range, damage, cooldown, and duration of the signature ability will affect its ranking.
・ Skills that increase the effectiveness of the ability impact its ranking depending on its Skill Prism investment.

Signature Ability Tier List Explanation


Ability Reason
Rabbid PeachHeal ・ This signature ability is one of the few ways characters can heal in combat, making it essential in many battles.
・ Several skills make the ability more effective over time.
LuigiSteely Stare ・ Steely Stare is the best counter signature ability due to its high range.
・ Targets from far away will often try to move closer to get within range.
・ The Ghost Bullet skill makes this ability extremely useful.


Ability Reason
PeachTeam Barrier ・ Can protect several team members from damage for at least one turn.
・ Skills can be used to increase its duration and range.
・ Can be used to get past the detection range of enemy counters.
MarioHero Sight ・ Similar to Steely Stare but with less range.
・ Skills like Additional Hero Sight Charge and Sight Again allow you to use it multiple times.
・Great when dealing with multiple moving targets.
Rabbid MarioCounter Blow ・ Similar to Hero Sight and other counter abilities but only works against enemies attacking the character.
・ More useful if the enemy has already settled in an attacking position.
・ Can inflict more damage than other counters, especially with skills like Pay Back.


Ability Reason
EdgeStormblade ・ Similar to other counter abilities but with a wider area of effect and significantly less range.
・ Since it only has 7m of base range, it is only useful against nearby enemies.
・ Though Edge will be in a more vulnerable position, Mountain Stance can help mitigate this.
BowserRabbid Mechakoopas ・ Best used when Bowser is surrounded by multiple enemies.
・ The bombs can only travel a limited distance per turn.
・ All bombs will often only target one enemy instead of multiple enemies around Bowser.


Ability Reason
Rabbid RosalinaEnnui ・ Can be used to give your heroes a chance to get into better positions.
・ Takes longer to cooldown than most abilities.
・ Rosalina is not mobile enough to effectively use it where it is needed most.
・The effect stops when the enemy takes any damage.
Rabbid LuigiExhaust ・ Best used when expecting hits from several enemies.
Spark effects or other abilities like Team Barrier are more effective at protecting allies or making enemies more vulnerable.

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6 Anonymousabout 1 year

yes. Ennui is insanely good

1 deepFlawabout 2 years

I would swap Ennui and Healing, honestly. Ennui is super useful - it can shut down a big group for 2 turns, letting you pick them off while doing +30% damage or just ignore them entirely while eliminating another group first. While Healing isn't useful unless you *really* need healing so badly that you can't just use an item or two to fix it.


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