Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

How to Beat Cursa: Boss Fight Guide

Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope Cursa Boss Fight
Cursa is the main antagonist and the final boss of Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope (Mario Rabbids 2). Her fight can be accessed during the Main Quest: Cursa!!! Read on for a walkthrough of the boss fight, including rewards, and best team comps!

The following article contains spoilers related to the story of Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. Continue reading at your discretion.

Cursa Stats and Attack Info

Phase 1

Note that HP and DMG values will vary based on your party's current level.
Cursa's Astral Arm
CursaCursa's Astral Arm
Weaknesses None
Resistances None
Description A projection created by Cursa. Though it may appear to have no physical form, its attacks are devastating.
Cursa's Astral Arm's Attacks and Abilities Astral Grab: Chooses 1 target and follows it everywhere. On the NEXT turn the target is grabbed and thrown
Astral Slam: Chooses a target and follows it. On the NEXT turn the target is hit, creating a Shock Wave that inflicts area DMG.
Astral Sight: Reacts to any Team Jump performed within its range.

Cursa's hand can attack multiple targets, as well as grab you Heroes while they are in the air, so make sure to performs actions such as a Team Jump while keeping your distance.

Phase 2

Weaknesses None
Resistances None
Description Cursa can move between platforms and attack one opponent in front of her.
Cursa's Attacks and Abilities Spiral Ray: A long-range beam fired at one target. Reduces the target's weapon damage after a successful hit.

It is recommended to designate at least one member of each party to attacking Cursa exclusively, while the remaining party members focus on support and defeating the surrounding enemies.

Phase 3

Cursa (True Form)
Cursa (True Form)Cursa (True Form)
Weaknesses None
Resistances None
Description Cursa attacks one opponent in front of her. Cannot be defeated by regular weapons. Her wings can push away exposed opponents.
Cursa (True Form)'s Attacks and Abilities Spiral Ray: A long-range beam fired at one target. Reduces the target's weapon damage after a successful hit.

Similar to Phase 2, having one party member primarily responsible for filling up Rosalina's attack gauge is incredibly efficient. Keeping all party memebers near Cursa is particularly helpful, as it allows you to quickly reach her should you get pushed back by her attacks.

How to Beat Cursa

Boss Fight Walkthrough

1 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Golden Rabbid Cannon
After defeating Darkmess Edge and making the final preparations, like purchasing items from the Salesbot, take the golden Rabbid cannon and prepare to face Cursa!
Note: Be sure to save your game before pushing forward, as you won't be able to come back to this world after clearing the game.
2 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Facing Cursa Cutscene
Cursa!!! (Final Boss Battle)
For the final battle, all your Heroes will be split into groups of three over three areas, so be sure to manage your team accordingly before starting the battle.

Note: The first set of Heroes will be Mario, Peach, and Rabbid Rosalina.
To deal massive damage against Cursa's Astral Arms, have a hero jump on the open trampolines to release a giant spike, then have Cursa's targeted Hero stand next to it before ending your turn.
Do the same strategy for the next turn, but before moving the targeted Hero, have Luigi use Steely Stare first to whittle down the Astral Arm's health whenever the targeted Hero moves.
Note: The second set of Heroes will be Luigi, Rabbid Mario, and Rabbid Luigi.
5 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Edge Stormblade
Follow the same strategy as the previous two for the next turn. Instead of Steely Stare, use Edge's Stormblade to deal more damage.
Note: The third set of Heroes will be Edge, Bowser, and Rabbid Peach. At the end of this turn, the Hero set will return to the first one.
6 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Targeting Cursa
Before moving to the next phase, take the time to heal your team and make any necessary adjustments to your party. Note that the Hero lineup and set order remain the same.
Note: Using every Signature Ability will be helpful for this phase to maximize support buffs and damage output per turn.
7 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Charging Up Rosalina
For Cursa's final phase, target the Star posts to power up Rosalina to deal massive damage to Cursa! To deal the finishing blow, you will have to max out Rosalina's gauge three times.
Note: Have one Hero dedicated to charging up Rosalina's gauge while the other two take down nearby foes. Once the coast is clear, have everyone target the Star post!
Tip: Cursa can also push your Heroes back, so be prepared to chain Team Jumps until the Star posts are within reach once more.
8 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Full Party Finishing Blow
After Rosalina attacks Cursa for the third time, a cutscene will play out and your party will defeat Cursa once and for all!
Note: After clearing the game, you will be sent to the title screen where you can load your file and complete the rest of the Side Quests you may have missed!

Best Team Comps for Cursa Boss Fight

Team 1

Hero Sparks Role
MarioMario PyrostarPyrostar Mario will be your main damage dealer, so use his great movement range to a position near Cursa. Starburst. Maxing out Mario's Technique Skill Tree will maximize his Hero Sight ability which will allow Mario to attack other foes while focusing on Cursa.
Rabbid RosalinaRabbid Rosalina EtheringEthering Rabbid Rosalina's Ennui can be used to stun enemies, allowing your other Heroes to move into the proper offensive or defensive position. The Ennui Dash skill is very useful, and will allow you to put enemies in stasis, while also inflicting damage.
PeachPeach ZephystarZephystar Peach will serve as this group's support wither Team Barrier ability. Her Boom-Brella's can not only inflict damage to groups of enemies but also add a charge to the barrier if you have the Fighting Spirit skill.

Team 2

Hero Sparks Role
Rabbid MarioRabbid Mario ElectroidElectroid The area damage of Rabbid Mario's Dukes lets you deal damage to Cursa and incoming enemies at the same time. Maximize Rabbid Mario's Weapon
Rabbid LuigiRabbid Luigi ElectrodashElectrodash The area damage of Rabbid Mario's Dukes lets you deal damage to Cursa and incoming enemies at the same time. Maximize Rabbid Mario's Weapon
LuigiLuigi VampastraVampastra Keep Luigi in the Back to provide high-damage and support from his Steely Stare. Vampastra, combined with his high damage output will keep him healthy.

Team 3

Hero Sparks Role
BowserBowser GlitterGlitter Positioning Bowser in the center of the stage will allow him to deal damage with his Bowzooka and his Mechakoopas, which can also be used as projectiles by other Heroes. Glitter is useful for attracting enemies to Bowser, who receives less damage due to his high defense.
EdgeEdge ZephystarZephystar Edge's already great movement range, combined with investment in her Movement Skill tree can get her close to Cursa while dealing damage to enemies. Investing in Edge's Stormblade Range skill allow her to provide a semi-defensive role as well.
Rabbid PeachRabbid Peach RegenesisRegenesis Rabbid Peach will take on the healer role in this fight, firing behind cover when she can. Her Movement and Technique skill trees let her be an effective healer, whether she is moving, or stationary.

Cursa Boss Fight Rewards

Rewards ・270 Coins
・660 Star Bits
・Cursa Memory
Location Cursa's Stronghold

How to Fight Cursa Again

Access Through the Quest Log

Access the Quest Log from the Map
Press the "-" button to access map, then "X" to access the quest log.
Select the Boss Battle by finding the mission under the Main Quests tab.
Search under Main Quests for the Boss Battle that you want to play again, and select it with the "A" button.

You can replay any boss fight that you have cleared by accessing the mission from the Main Quests Tab in the Quest Log. Open the map using the - button and press X to access it.

Cursa Profile

Main Antagonist of Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Cursa

Cursa is an entity whose goal is to capture the Sparks and spread Darkmess to take control of the galaxy. She appears in the form of a giant purple cloak with a single and two disembodied hands.

Leader of the Spark Hunters

Curse Controls and leads the Spark Hunters

The Spark Hunters are mysterious figures used by Cursa to gather Sparks. It is implied that they are under her Control, and thus may not be entirely malevolent.

Is Cursa Rosalina?

Cursa's True Form is the Megabug

Cursa's true identity is the Megabug
It soon became Cursa after merging with stellar debris
While drifting through the galaxy, it slowly gain sentience until it reached its current form

Cursa's true form is later revealed to be the Megabug, the final boss of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. Thought to have been defeated, the megabug slowly drifted throughout the galaxy while feeding off energy, until it gained sentience and achieved its current form.

Currently Possessing Rosalina

Cursa has possessed Rosalina

As Rosalina is the guardian of the galaxy, Cursa was Naturally attracted to her power and headed to the Comet Observatory to steal it. To protect both the Comet Observatory and the Lumas that inhabit it Rosalina attempted to fight back against Cursa, eventually falling under its control in the process.

Searches for Sparks to Gain Power

Cursa needs Sparks to completely control Rosalina

Although Rosalina has been absorbed by Cursa, her power is difficult to keep in check. As such, Cursa, along with the Spark Hunters, searches the Galaxy for Sparks to increase its strength, and in turn, take complete control over Rosalina.

List of Sparks

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope Related Guides

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List of Bosses

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Darkmess EdgeDarkmess Edge CursaCursa


4 Roserade3 months

Midnite is creepy


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