Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

How to Beat Giant Wildclaw: Boss Fight Guide

Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope giant Wildclaw Boss Fight

Giant Wildclaw is a giant version of the Wildclaw enemy and the Boss of Beacon Beach in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope (Mario Rabbids 2). His fight can be accessed during the Main Quest, Driven to the Edge. Read on for a walkthrough of the boss fight, including rewards, and best team comps!

Giant Wildclaw Stats and Attack info

Note that any values related to HP and DMG will vary based on your party's current level.
Giant Wildclaw
Giant WildclawGiant Wildclaw
Weaknesses None
Resistances Burn, Ooze, Splash, Frostbit, Shick, Gust
Description Viciously goes after its nearest challenger to unleash area attacks that inflict a massive amount of damage. If attacked, it will charge at its attacker in a rage, during which it will launch an extra attack.
Unique Ability: Undashable
Cannot be Dashed.
Giant Wildclaw's Attacks and Abilities Claw Fist: Short-range area attack.
Hot Pursuit: If attacked, moves towards the offender. If they're within range, performs an extra attack on them.

Although the Giant Wildclaw's attack range is very short, its Hot Pursuit abilitiy lets it get close and potentially attack your party. We recommend attacking the Giant Wildclaw frommultiple angles, as it prevents it from getting close and inflicting damage to multiple party members.

How to Beat the Giant WildClaw

Boss Fight Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Guide
1 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Driven to the Edge Walkthrough Step 1
Bring two Heroes that can attack at a long-range. We recommend bringing Luigi along as his Steely Stare can hit the Giant Wildclaw each time it moves.
2 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Driven to the Edge Walkthrough Step 2
Avoid attacking the Giant Wildclaw at a short range as he can unleash a strong area attack if he gets close to your Hero. Make sure to spread out your Heroes in the arena and only attack to move the boss away from a Hero near it.
3 Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Driven to the Edge Walkthrough Step 3
Ignore the portals and focus on whittling down the Giant Wildclaw's health.

Best Team Comps for Giant Wildclaw Boss Fight


Hero Sparks Role
EdgeEdge ExosphereExosphere Use Edge to damage the Giant Wildclaw each turn as her weapon can hit the boss multiple times. Activate Exosphere if she's near another Hero to grant a defense boost from incoming attacks. Make sure to have her near another Hero to utilize Team Jumps and attack the boss from a mid-range.


Hero Sparks Role
LuigiLuigi ReflectorReflector Attack the Giant Wildclaw wiht Luigi to keep him away from the other Heroes. Steely Stare will net you an additional hit whenever the Giant Wildclaw or ony other enemy decides to advance. Use the Reflector Spark to counterattack during the enemies' turn.

Rabbid Peach

Hero Sparks Role
Rabbid PeachRabbid Peach StarburstStarburst Rabbid Peach's weapon can hit the Stooges even under cover, so it's best to use her to pick off nearby enemies and have the other two heroes focus on whittling down the Giant Wildclaw's health.

Giant Wildclaw Boss Fight Rewards

Driven to the Edge
Edge Edge
・85 Coins
・50 Star Bits
・Giant Enemies Memory
Location Beacon Beach

How to Fight the Giant Wildclaw Again

Access the Quest Log

Access the Quest Log from the Map
Press the "-" button to access map, then "X" to access the quest log.
Main Quests
Search under Main Quests for the Boss Battle that you want to play again, and select it with the "A" button.

You can replay any boss fight that you have cleared by accessing the mission from the Main Quests Tab in the the Quest Log. Open the map using the - button and press X to access it.

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