Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Edge Hero Guide: Best Skills, Sparks, Team Comps, and How to Unlock

Edge is a playable Hero in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope who has a Blade Master role in battle unlocked after the In Deep Waters Main Quest. Read on to learn more about their combat type and weapon, how to use them in combat, best Sparks to equip, how to unlock Edge, as well as best team comps.

The following article contains spoilers related to the story of Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. Continue reading at your discretion.

Edge Basic Information

Combat Type and Weapon

Edge Weapon
When thrown at an enemy, it ignores Partial Cover while hitting multiple targets along the way before coming back.
Tier List Ranking Role
A Tier Blade Master
Edge's speed and skill allow her to target multiple enemies and damage each with a single action.

Edge's Signature Ability

StormbladeStormblade Radius: 7m
Cooldown: 3 Turns

Targets moving within range are dealt +160 % DMG plus any Super Effects. Has 1 charge.

Best Signature Abilities Tier List

How to Unlock Edge

Defeat the Giant Wildclaw and Complete In Deep Waters

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Edge.png

The In Deep Waters Main Quest is the first quest that you can accept on the planet of Beacon Beach. At the end of the Main Quest, you'll need to battle a boss called the Giant Wildclaw. Once you defeat the boss and complete In Deep Waters, you unlock Edge as a playable character.

In Deep Water Quest Guide and Walkthrough

Best Skills for Edge

Skill Effect Prisms
Extra Dash Extra Dash Increases the number of Dashes Edge can perform during a turn Lvl 1: 3
Lvl 2: 3
Lvl 3: 4
Dash Increments Movement Dash Increments Movement Dashing an opponent increases Edge's area of movement by 3 meters. Lvl 1: 3
Critical Dash Critical Dash Starting from the first Dash, each following one does 20% more damage. Lvl 1: 3
Blade Halo Increase Blade Halo Increase Increases the Flying Blade Halo area. Lvl 1: 4
Chain Boost Chain Boost Starting from the first hit, each following one deals 5% more damage. Lvl 1: 4

Edge is likely the most mobile Hero in the game and also makes a great close to mid-ranged attacker. With her many dashing-related skills, you can immensely increase the movement range of Edge while dealing some extra damage.

As for her weapon, it is most effective when dealing with a straight line of opponents. Blade Halo Increase allows you to get more enemies into her chain even if they're not perfectly lined up while Chain Boost can boost the damage of the chain.

List of Skills

Best Sparks for Edge

Early Game Sparks

Spark Spark Information
Mario Rabbids - Vampdash Vampdash Active Skill: Vamp Dash
All Dashes will deal 140 damage, and heal the Hero by 30% of damage dealt.
Passive Skill: Athlete
Increases any healing received by a certain percent.
How to Unlock: Complete the Pristine Peaks Secret Zone: Midwinter Door in Pristine Peaks.
Mario Rabbids - Electrodash Electrodash Active Skill: Shock Dash
All Dashes are charged with Shock Super Effect and deal 150% damage.
Passive Skill: Shock Protector
All Super Effect damage is reduced by 20%. Heroes are not affected by Shock Super Effect.
How to Unlock: Complete the side quest: From Bad to Worse in Beacon Beach.
Mario Rabbids - Aquadash Aquadash Active Skill: Splash Dash
All Dashes are charged with Splash Super Effect and deal 150% damage.
Passive Skill: Splash Protector
All Super Effect damage is reduced by 20%. Heroes are not affected by Splash Super Effect.
How to Unlock: Complete the side quest: Cheep Beats and Bleepstreets in Beacon Beach.

Mid and Late Game Sparks

Spark Spark Information
Mario Rabbids - Glitter Glitter Active Skill: Gather 'Round
Enemies within range are pulled towards the Hero's position.
Passive Skill: Attack Master
Increases weapon-based attack damage by a certain percent.
How to Unlock: Complete the battle quest: A Bridge Too Fear in Palette Prime.
Mario Rabbids - Zephyrdash Zephyrdash Active Skill: Gust Dash
All Dashes are charged with Gust Super Effect and deal 200% damage.
Passive Skill: Gust Protector
All Super Effect damge is reduced by 40%. Heroes are not affected by Gust Super Effect.
How to Unlock: Complete the side quest: A Dryad's Dream in Palette Prime.

List of All Sparks and How to Unlock

Edge Best Team Comps

Movement-Focused Team

Hero Sparks Role
EdgeEdge VampdashVampdash ・Can quickly traverse the battlefield with Dash Increments Movement.
・Makes a great close-ranged attacker for the team.
・Sparks add effects to her Dashes and make them more effective.
MarioMario EtheringEthering Gliding Skills allow him to quickly glide through much of the battlefield.
・Makes a good medium-ranged attacker for the team.
・Sparks protect Mario from damage or prevents enemies from following the team.
PeachPeach ExosphereExosphere Team Barrier provides the team with defense even while Jump Boosting.
・Peach has decent enough movement to keep up with Mario and Edge.
・Sparks provide beneficial effects for the Peach and the team.

This team consists of high mobility characters that can also take on other roles in the team. When used together, they allow you to easily and quickly traverse the battlefield as long as you invest in the right Movement Skills. The team is best used in stages where you need to quickly reach a certain area.

Dashing-Focused Team

Hero Sparks Role
EdgeEdge ZephyrdashZephyrdash ・Has the most number of Dashes among the Heroes.
・Dashes increase her movement range, allowing her to reach more enemies.
・Sparks add Gust and Splash effects to her dash to possibly launch enemies out of bounds.
Rabbid MarioRabbid Mario ElectrodashElectrodash Dashes do AOE damage to affect more opponents.
・Movement Range can be increased with skills to reach more enemies.
・Sparks bring enemies closer to Rabbid Mario or increase his Dash damage.
Rabbid PeachRabbid Peach ExosphereExosphere ・Able to perform a decent number of Dashes.
・Provides healing for the team and medium-ranged attacks.
・Sparks provide additional defenses and healing for the team.

The Team consists of characters than have multiple dashes and dash effects. They are best used in stages where you need to take out several enemies by dashing, such as Goomba missions.

Best Team Comps and Combos

How to Use Edge

High Mobility Attacker

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope -  Main DPS

Edge is one of the most mobile Heroes in the game due to her Dash Increments Movement Skill. After using all four of her available dashes, she can greatly increase the distance she can move, allowing you to position her in several advantageous spots.

Her weapon works best at close to medium range and can target multiple enemies at once, but they must be in a mostly straight line. Her increased mobility comes in handy to make sure you have the best positioning for her.

Who is Edge?

New Rabbid Hero in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - New Rabbid Hero
Edge is a new goth-themed Rabbid Hero in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. She is not based on an existing Mario franchise character unlike the other playable Rabbids.

Edge is cool and independent. Her only motivation is to save the Sparks and the galaxy. Her sense of justice will not let her give up until her mission is accomplished!
Source: Official website

List of Characters

Blade Master

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - Blade Master
Edge's combat style is that of a Blade Master. Her speed and skills lets her target and attack multiple enemies at once using her sword called the Flying Blade.

Former Leader of the Spark Hunters

Edge is the former leader of the spark hunters

Edge is later revealed to be the former leader of the Spark Hunters, a group of Rabbids tasked by Cursa to gather Sparks throughout the galaxy. Unlike the other Spark Hunters, she was given free will, and soon realized the true evil of Cursa, cause her to rebel against her former master. She choose to join Mario and the other Heroes to save the Sparks in an attempt ot undo Cursa's evil deeds.

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Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope Heroes

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Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope EdgeEdge Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope Rabbid RosalinaRabbid Rosalina Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope BowserBowser


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