Into Unknown Frontiers Sidequest

This page contains information for completing the Sidequest Into Unknown Frontiers in Final Fantasy XV (FFXV, FF15). Read on for more information about the Sidequest and our strategies for completing it!

Basic information of Into Unknown Frontiers


Requester Recommended Level
Cindy -

How to Unlock Into Unknown Frontiers

Location Formouth Garrison
Unlock Condition Reach Chapter 15, and complete "The Ever Illustrious Regalia", and "Formouth Garrison" sidequest.

Into Unknown Frontiers Clear Conditions and Rewards

Clear Condition Get the Warped Wings, Unstable Stabilizer and Strange Engine for Cindy.
Reward Regalia Type-F

How to Complete Into Unknown Frontiers

How to Begin

To begin this sidequest, you need to reach and complete Chapter 15, Formouth Garrison, and any sidequests related to upgrading Regalia including The Ever Illustrious Regalia.

Then you will need to collect three items for Cindy to complete this sidequest.

Complete the three Imperial Bases (Aracheole Stronghold, Formouth Garrison, and Fort Vaullerey) to obtain those.

Warped Wings

To get Warped Wings, you need to complete Engaging the Empire quest and clear Aracheole Stronghold.

Unstable Stabilizer

To get Unstable Stabilizer, you need to complete Fort Vaullerey during Chapter six.

Strange Engine

To get Strange Engine, you need to clear Formouth Garrison and defeat all the enemies.

Talk to Cindy

Once you obtain the three items needed, return to Hammerhead. Go straight to Cindy, and hand over the items to complete the sidequest.

Related Links

Cindy's Quests

The Ever Regal Regalia The Ever Elegant Regalia The Ever Gleaming Regalia
The Ever Valorous Regalia The Ever Illustrious Regalia Into Unknown Frontiers

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