FF7 Remake Walkthrough Comments

Fort Condor Guide: How to Beat Hard ModeComment

Showing 1-18 of 18 entries


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    13 Anonymousover 2 yearsReport

    Rarely spawns on the left my ass

    12 Anonymousalmost 3 yearsReport

    Agreed! Thank you!

    11 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    Your hard strategy was fantastic. Beat all the Fort Condor players, including Chadley, on the first try. Thanks!

    10 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport

    The strategy for beating the champion is useless. Tried 5 times and got stomped completely.

    9 Anonymous@Game8almost 4 yearsReport

    For all of those searching for the M.O.T.H. Unit- It can be purchased in the northern junk shop, along with Missle Launcher and Officer Barracks.. However, the shops wares will rotate, so they are not always there. To make it rotate, you can progress through the story, or simply engage in a Fort Condor Battle then check again (even if you start the battle, then forfeit, it will often change)

    8 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    Moth unit and vanguard barrack sold at junk shop

    7 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    I also cannot find the moth unit anywhere! Checked all vendors and have completed all matches on normal and hard

    6 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    I've beat everyone in Normal and Hard but still don't have the MOTH unit. I've bought everything from all the NPCs and think I got every chest one. Where is it?

    5 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    Where is the MOTH unit? I'm at the Charley battle and I've bought everything from Old Snapper but there is no MOTH available.

    4 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    Use the MOTH unit you can buy at Old Snapper over the Armored Shock Trooper, it is sturdier and also more powerful. Use the same strategy where you overwhelm the left side quickly and keep your team hasted, barriered and cured right before the Moth dies.

    3 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

    I’ve actually found using the MOTH Unit to wipeout Chadley quickly to be the much better option over the Armored Shock Trooper. You can buy it from Old Snapper once you hit Rank 3 or 4.

    2 Baroothalmost 4 yearsReport

    never mind didn't realise its a video and not just a picture

    1 Baroothalmost 4 yearsReport

    is there a video guide for the chadley battle? i tried it with that strategy, due to his helitroppers its almost impossible to even get his first tower and even if i do, shortly after he gets the upper hand and rushes the hell out of me. this battle is straight up unfair

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