FF7 Remake

Rune Armlet Materia Slots and Stats

Rune Armlet EDITED.png
This page lists the stats and materia slots of the Rune Armlet, an Armor in Final Fantasy 7 Remake (FF7R). Read on to learn how to get the Rune Armlet, as well as its price and effects!

Rune Armlet Materia Slots and Stats

Rune Armlet Stats and Basic Information

Rune Armlet
Rune Armlet Image Defense 16
Magic Defense 62
Materia Slots ○-○○
Description An armlet wrought from naturally occuring age-old metals infused with magic.
Price 6400

How to Get the Rune Armlet

Obtaining Rune Armlet

How to Obtain Rune Armlet
Reward for clearing Tifa vs. SOLDIER Trainees in the Shinra Combat Simulator (Chapter 16/17)

You can also get this armor as a reward for defeating SOLDIER Trainees using Tifa in the Shinra Combat Simulator. Check out the link below to know more about the Shinra Combat Simulator and other rewards that you can obtain.

Shinra Combat Simulator Guide and Rewards

Related Links

All Armor
Bronze BangleBronze Bangle Iron BangleIron Bangle Star BraceletStar Bracelet Leather BracerLeather Bracer
Mesmeric ArmletMesmeric Armlet Titanium BangleTitanium Bangle Caliginous BraceletCaliginous Bracelet Studded BracerStudded Bracer
Mythril ArmletMythril Armlet Gothic BangleGothic Bangle Cog BangleCog Bangle Force BraceletForce Bracelet
Astral CuffAstral Cuff MagicianMagician's Bracelet Heavy-Duty BracerHeavy-Duty Bracer SorcererSorcerer's Armlet
Geometric BraceletGeometric Bracelet Supreme BracerSupreme Bracer Rune ArmletRune Armlet Chain BangleChain Bangle
Iron MaidenIron Maiden Midgar BangleMidgar Bangle Shinra BangleShinra Bangle Corneo ArmletCorneo Armlet
Ninja ArmletNinja Armlet Chthonian ArmletChthonian Armlet Volant ArmletVolant Armlet Firebird ArmletFirebird Armlet

List of Armor Stats and Materia Slots


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