FF7 Remake Walkthrough Comments


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    31 Anonymousabout 4 yearsReport

    Red mage is very powerful class. If anyone need information about this class you should read this article: https://www.sellersandfriends.com/blog/ffxiv-red-mage-unlock-guide-release-the-most-powerful-job

    30 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

    Yeah, feels like they're setting it up. Honestly I hope so, back when the og came out I tried every "trick" and "guide" to get her back no matter how ridiculous or difficult it was. There where lots of those with pictures of Aeris/Aerith late in the game as proof, I was 10 and sad so I fell for it, lots of people did. If she actually survives in the remake that would bring me closure or something lol.

    29 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Please no.

    28 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    I am going to bet that there will be a path/ending where Aerith lives in the game.

    27 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Uhm for vanille. Its aerith 2.0. she's been like that since the old one.

    26 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Am I the only one that found her really annoying here in the remake? Feels like i'm looking at Vanille v2.0

    25 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    I really liked the voice of Aeris in here! <3 Though I'm still a lil bit skeptical of Tifa's voice.

    24 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    I think its retractable.. that's why we can see it.

    23 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    I'm wondering where she's hiding the staff..

    22 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    I know what will happen to her. It makes me sad :( but, still like Aerith a lot.

    21 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Gonna lose my best healer again but in HD

    20 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Ohh Briana White is the voice actress. I love her so much, and its perfect for Aerith <3

    19 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    She can hear the voice of the planet as a Cetra. Guess the planet's life force looks like a dementor now huh.

    18 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Aerith looked like she would be the shy and girly type, but she was toughing it out in the slums alone. I really like her.

    17 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Her design is perfect as is. First one I have liked since the original.

    16 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    My girl is perfect as she is.

    15 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    She is literally the most beautiful looking female character i have ever seen in a video game.

    14 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    So pretty. I love that they found a fine line between anime design and real human features.

    13 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Considering everyone has their own weapon attacks and skills, I bet she'll be on the offensive more often than not

    12 Anonymousalmost 5 yearsReport

    Hope she has healing abilities and have her support Cloud.

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