Battlefield 2042

How to Level Up Fast | Level Cap and XP Farming Guide

Battlefield 2042 - How to Level Up

Unlock more weapons, gear, skins, and vehicles by increasing your level in Battlefield 2042. Read on to learn how to increase your level in the game, what you can unlock with each level, the maximum level cap, and the best tips and strategies to gain experience quickly.

Battlefield 2042 XP Farming Tips
CheckmarkFarm through Enemy Spotting

Checkmark Gain XP against Enemy AI

Checkmark Level Up Weapons and Vehicles

Checkmark Assists give the same amount of XP as Kills

Checkmark Capture Sectors with your Team

Checkmark Kill Enemies and Destroy Enemy Vehicles

Checkmark Earn Ribbons During Combat

Checkmark Gain More XP by Winning

How to Farm XP Fast

Farm Through Enemy Spotting

Battlefield 2042 - Minimap.png
Enemy Spotting are actions that cause enemy players to be highlighted in both the minimap and in combat, which provides the player who has done the "spotting" with small increments of XP for every enemy that they spot, usually 5 XP for every enemy spotted.

Depending on the method a player uses to spot enemies, they can also be revealed to teammates. A team member's successful kill of a spotted enemy will give even more XP, usually 50 XP, to the player who spotted them – making enemy spotting a lucrative way of farming XP.

Gain XP Against Enemy AI

Players can also gain XP from Enemy AI in Solo and Co-op modes, or by playing custom matches in Battlefield Portal. This allows you to increase your rank without playing online. You can gain a similar ammount of XP, allowing you to rank up and unlock more weapons, vehicles, and gear to use.

AI Enemy XP Cap

While XP can be gained from AI enemies, there is an XP level cap that will limit the amount that you gain after each game. There will be a "Cap Reached" message after playing a few rounds against AI enemies.

This means that a huge amount of in-game progression must be done by playing online game modes like Conquest, Breakthrough, and Hazard Zone.

Level Up Weapons and Vehicles

Battlefield 2042 - Unlock Weapons and Vehicles

Gaining XP also allows you to unlock weapons and vehicles, which will help give you better equipment in the game. You can also unlock more equipment, skins, and attachments that will enhance their stats and capabilities, or add more visual effects for style.

Unlock Attachments with Kill Count

You unlock new weapons by levelling up however, it doesn't mean that you also unlock its attachments. Battlefield 2042 offers a different reward system for unlocking attachments: Kill Count.

You can "level up" the maximum potential of your gun by successfully performing kills with it.

Eliminate Enemies While Using Vehicles

Kills and assists while riding vehicles also gives you a lot of XP, as you can stay inside one air or ground vehicle for a long period of time, and keep attacking targets with teammates. The best strategy is to keep moving to different sectors and help your team capture more points by providing support while capturing.

Level Up Weapons and Vehicles Against AI

You can gain weapon attachments and vehicle equipment by playing against AI enemies. However, like ranking up, there is a limit to how much you can unlock after playing a number of games.

XP Farming Tips

Assists give the same amount of XP as Kills

Assists give the same amount of XP as kills, 50. You can farm XP by forming assists with different specialists and gadgets on any map or game mode. However, if you simply want to farm we recommend playing on Breakthrough and using any of these recommended Specialists and Gadgets.

All you have to do is to keep spotting and tagging enemies with your Recon Gear and let your teammates do the killing.

How to Spot Enemies and Use the Ping System

Casper and the OV-P Recon Drone

With Casper's Recon Drone, you can simply find a good bush to hide in, summon your drone and tag as many enemies as you can moving forward only when you need to.

Paik and the EMG-X Sensor

With Paik's EMG-X Sensor, you can also tag enemies as your push forward with your squad. Paik's sensor range is only 30m but in battle, that 30m advantage is enough to turn the tide.

Angel and the Loadout Crate

With Angel's Loadout Crate, you can resupply your troops with ammo, but more importantly you can resupply yourself with the Prox Sensor. Using the Prox Sensor, you can upload the positions of enemy in the Combat Network.

You can use the Prox Sensor with any Specialist, but the reason we chose Angel in combination with the Prox Sensor is that Angel's Loadout Crate will resupply you with the full refill of 2 Prox Sensors, instead of just one.

Capture Sectors With Your Team

Battlefield 2042 - Capture Sectors With Your Team

One of the quickest ways to farm XP during a game is by capturing sectors during Conquest Mode. Capturing sectors can be challenging when done by a small number of players, which is why the best strategy is to stick with your team and overwhelm the enemy sector to gain control. This will give you a steady amount of XP gain during each game, even when your kill and assist numbers are low.

Kill Enemies and Destroy Enemy Vehicles

Killing enemies and destroying enemy vehicles also give you XP points. You can also gain more XP when you eliminate enemies while capturing or defending a sector, since that counts as defending the objective.

Earn Ribbons During Combat

Battlefield 2042 - Earn Ribbons During Combat

Performing actions such as capturing or reviving teammates multiple times allows you to earn ribbons.

Battlefield 2042 - Ribbons

Ribbon Tier EXP Bonus
Tier I + 1000 EXP
Tier II + 500 EXP
Tier III + 500 EXP

These ribbons give you bonus XP points, and you can level up each one to gain even more while you play the game. These actions include killing a certain number of enemies and targets, capturing sectors, and gathering information.

How to Get More Ribbons

Gain More EXP by Winning

Battlfield 2042 -  Victory Bonus

Winning games in Battlefield 2042 will grant you more XP, giving you a Victory Bonus that allows you to increase your level faster. Keep winning games to earn more EXP points and unlock more weapons, gear, skins, and vehicles.

Level Up Mid-game

While playing the game, earning enough EXP will activate a prompt that shows that you have increased your level. You can also see the number of weapons or gear that you have unlocked.

How to Level Up

Gain XP from Matches

Level up by gaining experience through playing matches. Racking up kills is just one of many ways to gain experience in Battlefield 2042. Assisting teammates and capturing objectives will also be pivotal in gaining XP.

XP Rewards

Action EXP Gained
Kills 50
Assists 50
Enemy Spotted 5
Revives 50
Resupplies 5
Securing Objective 15
Objective Defended 10
Holding Objective 15
Objectives Captured 375
Spawn on Vehicle 10
Spawn on Teammate 10
Equipment Destroyed 10
Part Disabled 10
Vehicle Destroyed 50

Level Cap (Max Level)

Max Level is at Level 99

The maximum level a player can attain in the game is Level 99. After reaching Level 99, players can start grinding on their S-Levels from S001 all the way up to S999. Think of it as extra bragging rights to show that you're the best shooter out there.

Unlockables by Level


Specialist Unlocks at Level
Mackay.pngMackay 15
Paik.pngPaik 25


Weapon Unlocks at Level
MCS-880 WeaponMCS-880 7
AK-24 WeaponAK-24 11
SVK WeaponSVK 14
MP28 WeaponMP28 17
PP-29 WeaponPP-29 18
GVT 45-70 WeaponGVT 45-70 21
DXR-1 WeaponDXR-1 24
M44 WeaponM44 29
PKP-BP WeaponPKP-BP 32
MP9 WeaponMP9 36
AC-42 WeaponAC-42 40
12M Auto Weapon12M Auto 44
VCAR WeaponVCAR 47
K30 WeaponK30 53
NTW-50 WeaponNTW-50 60


Gear Unlocks at Level
Smoke Grenade GearSmoke Grenade 12
Prox Sensor GearProx Sensor 22
EMP Grenade GearEMP Grenade 30
Incendiary Grenade GearIncendiary Grenade 42
FXM-33 AA Missile GearFXM-33 AA Missile 2
IBA Armor Plate GearIBA Armor Plate 4
C5 Explosive GearC5 Explosive 9
Insertion Beacon GearInsertion Beacon 16
Med Pen GearMed Pen 26
Anti-Tank Mine GearAnti-Tank Mine 38


Vehicle Unlocks at Level
LCAA Hovercraft VehicleLCAA Hovercraft 6
EBAA Wildcat VehicleEBAA Wildcat 10
MD540 Nightbird VehicleMD540 Nightbird 20
MAV VehicleMAV 34
M5C Bolte VehicleM5C Bolte 50

XP Trophies

bronze trophy.pngBronze Adapt and Overcome
Reach Player Level 5
XP Farming Guide | How to Level Up Fast
silver trophy.pngSilver Making Dunn Proud
Reach Player Level 15
XP Farming Guide | How to Level Up Fast
gold trophy.pngGold Luck of the Irish
Reach Player Level 25
XP Farming Guide | How to Level Up Fast

Trophy Guide

Battlefield 2042 Related Guides

Battlefield 2042 Tips and Tricks Partial Banner

Tips and Tricks

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Weapon Class Tier List Weapon Bloom: Explained
How to Change Fire Mode for Weapons Bullets to Kill (BTK) and Time to Kill (TTK) for All Guns
Gameplay Guides
How to Respawn Using Tickets How to Call-in Vehicles
How to See the Scoreboard and Check KD Stats How to Redeploy
How to Get Ribbons How to Spot Enemies and Use the Ping System
How to Control Ranger and Recon Drones How to Use Grenade Launchers
Total Player Count: How Many Players in Each Game Mode?
General Guides
How to Heal How to Level Up
How to Increase FPS All Error Codes and Bug Fixes
Battle Pass Content Roadmap How to Unlock Badges
How to Unlock Tags How to Unlock Images
How to Change Sensitivity How to Change Aim Assist
How to Spot Cheats and Report Players
Game Modes
How to Capture A Sector (Conquest) How to Play Team Deathmatch


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