Battlefield 2042

MD540 Nightbird Stats and How to Use

This guide will cover the MD540 Nightbird, a vehicle in Battlefield 2042. Read on to know everything you need to know about the MD540 Nightbird's stats, how to unlock it, how to use it, all available skins, and all equipment for the MD540 Nightbird.

MD540 Nightbird Latest Updates and Changes

Update #3 - 0.3.0 Patch Notes

MD540 Nightbird 0.3.0 Patch Notes

• Fixed an issue where the MD540 Nightbird Mounted 20mm Cannons hitting the ground can appear frozen
• Balanced MD540 Nightbird Mounted Miniguns spread buildup and convergence

Update #2 - 1.04 Patch Notes

MD540 Nightbird Patch 1.04 Notes
MD540 Nightbird Mounted 20mm Cannons - we are reducing the radius at which bullets do damage upon impact, and decreasing their splash damage

• Reduced Blast Radius size from 3 to 2
• Reduced Inner Blast Radius damage from 1.5 to 0.75

All Updates and Patch Notes

MD540 Nightbird Stats

MD540 Nightbird Basic Information

MD540 Nightbird
MD540 Nightbird
Firepower 50 Survivability 60
Maneuverability 80 Speed 50
Seats 4 Faction Personal
Unlock Level 20

How to Use the MD540 Nightbird

Battlefield 2042 - How to Use the MD-540 Nightbird.png

Scouting and sneaking past the enemy territory is easy with the MD540 Nightbird. Use it to observe and take out enemy forces as you go. Don't worry about going deep, as it has a fast speed that can get in and out of any situation and missile countermeasures that will help it survive even against rocket barrages.

Great for Scouting Ahead

Battlefield 2042 - How to Use the MD-540 Nightbird - Scouting.png
Use the MD540 Nightbird to scout enemies. It is a small but fast helicopter, so it will be hard for your enemies to spot and attack. It doesn't have that much firepower, making it a perfect fit for observing the battlefield and giving info to your allies.

MD540 Nightbird Guns and Equipment

MD540 Nightbird Equipment

Commander Seat
Commander Seat Equipment Slot 1 Sensor Array
Commander Seat Equipment Slot 2 Detection Pulse
Pilot Seat
Pilot Primary Weapons Mounted Miniguns
Mounted 20mm Cannons
Pilot Secondary Weapons 70mm Anti-Personnel Rocket Pack
Air-to-Ground Missile
Pilot Equipment Slot 1 Missile Countermeasures
Pilot Equipment Slot 2 Repair System

How to Unlock MD540 Nightbird Equipment

Equipment How to Unlock Description
Detection Pulse Unlocked by default. Active sensor pulse that detects enemy presence near the vehicle. Shares that information with all vehicle occupants.
Sensor Array Unlocked by default. Capable of spotting all enemies within your viewport.
70mm Anti Personnel Rocket Pack Unlocked by default. Anti-Personnel 2.75-inch rockets. Medium speed and medium range. Fired in a large volleys of up to 14. Consider pattern and excellent splash damage for creative applications. Designed for Air-to-Ground application.
Missile Countermeasures Unlocked by default. Combination of thermal & radar countermeasure stores, deployed to counter missile tracking.
Mounted Miniguns Unlocked by default. 7.62mm minigun for anti-personnel usage. High ROF makes up for compromised accuracy. Ineffective against armored targets.
Repair System 20 Kills and Assists with the MD540 Nightbird. Repairs onboard systems when damaged.
Mounted 20mm Cannon 60 Kills and Assists with the MD540 Nightbird. 20mm cannon for anti-personnel engagements and soft-hulled vehicles.
Air-to-Ground Missile 120 Kills and Assists with the MD540 Nightbird. Designed for close air support. Precision munition. High-power. You must maintain lock on the target once the weapon is launched. Pop up, fire, track - and leave.

MD540 Nightbird Skins

Carbon Series (Rare)
How to Unlock: 60 Kills and Assists with the MD540 Nightbird
Central Desert (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 62
Desert Flecktarn (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 74
Desert Technical (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 51
Dryfire (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 89
Factory (Common)
How to Unlock: Default Vehicle Skin.
Forest Multi-Terrain (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 28
Forest Technical (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 96
Tier 1 (Epic)
How to Unlock: 2,400 Kills and Assists with the MD540 Nightbird
Wildwood (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 68
Winter Mixed (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 41
Winter Woodland (Common)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 82

Battlefield 2042 Vehicles

Battlefield 2042 - List of All Vehicles Partial.png

List of All Vehicles

Battlefield 2042 Vehicles

Personal Vehicles

LCAA Hovercraft.pngLCAA Hovercraft MD540 Nightbird.pngMD540 Nightbird EBAA Wildcat.pngEBAA Wildcat
MAV.pngMAV MSC Bolte.pngM5C Bolte LATV4 Recon.pngLATV4 Recon

US Vehicles

MV-38 Condor.pngMV-38 Condor M1A5.pngM1A5 F-35E Panther.pngF-35E Panther
AH-64GX Apache Warchief.pngAH-64GX Apache Warchief

RU Vehicles

MI-240 Super Hind.pngMI-240 Super Hind SU-57 Felon.pngSU-57 FELON T28.pngT28
KA-520 Super Hokum.pngKA-520 Super Hokum

Battlefield Portal Vehicles

Battlefield 1942 Vehicles

B-17 Bomber.pngB-17 Bomber Spitfire.pngSpitfire M10 Wolverine.pngM10 Wolverine
M4 Sherman.pngM4 Sherman M3 Halftrack.pngM3 Halftrack Willys MB.pngWillys MB
JU-87 Stuka.pngJU-87 Stuka BF 109.pngBF 109 Tiger I.pngTiger I
Panzer IV.pngPanzer IV SD. KFZ 251 Halftrack.pngSD. KFZ 251 Halftruck Kubelwagen.pngKübelwagen

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vehicles

UH-60.pngUH-60 M1A2.pngM1A2 M1114.pngM1114
T-90.pngT-90 M3A3 Bradley.pngM3A3 Bradley BMP 2.pngBMP-2
VDV Buggy.pngVDV Buggy

Battlefield 3 Vehicles

M1114.pngM1114 FA-18.pngF/A-18 AH-6J Little Bird.pngAH-6J Little Bird
AH-64 Apache.pngAH-64 Apache LAV-AD.pngLAV-AD LAV-25.pngLAV-25
AAV-7A1 Amtrac.pngAAV-7A1 Amtrac M1161 ITV.pngM1161 ITV SU-35BM Flanker-E.pngSU-35BM Flanker-E
MI-28 Havoc.pngMI-28 Havoc Z-11W.pngZ-11W 9K22 Tunguska-M.png9K22 Tunguska-M
3937 Vodnik.png3937 Vodnik T-90.pngT-90 M1A2.pngM1A2
BMP 2.pngBMP-2 VDV Buggy.pngVDV Buggy UH-60.pngUH-60


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