Battlefield 2042

Rao Specialist Class Guide | Best Loadouts and Best Teammates

Battlefield 2042 (BF2042) Rao Guide, Best Loadouts and Best Builds

This is a guide on how to play Navin Rao, a Specialist in Battlefield 2042. To learn the best loadout and teammates for Rao, all their cosmetic skins, and how to use them effectively, read on!

Rao Latest Updates and Changes

Update #3 - 1.05 (December 2, 2021)

Rao Patch 1.05 Notes
Navin - Cyber-Warfare Suite Specialty.pngCyber-Warfare Suite • Added a short grace period for Rao's Cyber Warfare Suite when something blocks the line of sight to the target being hacked. This will help most frequently when trying to hack vehicles that may be driving in front of trees.

• Fixed issue where the Cyber Warfare Suite would trigger "Enemy Hacked" voice over without eligible enemies being present.

Latest Patch Notes

Rao Specialty and Veteran Trait

Basic Information

Specialist Details
Navin Rao
Name Navin Rao
Class Recon
Country of Origin India
Tier Rating C.png

Specialists Tier List

Specialty Skill

Specialty Information
Trojan Network Specialty Sample
Title Navin Rao Specialty Icon and in-game description
Cyber Warfare Suite
Description Scramble enemy vehicle systems, disable Rangers, or trigger base defences from a distance.

Veteran Trait

Veteran Trait Information
Trojan Network Trait Sample
Title Navin Rao Specialty Icon and in-game description
Trojan Network
Description Hack into enemy systems for valuable intel.

How to Play as Rao

How to Use the Cyber Warfare Suite Specialty

Sonar Can Ping Enemies on the Map

BF2042 Rao - Hack Sonar Reveals All Enemies not behind cover
With Rao's hacking tool equipped, all enemies around him will be pinged on the map via a pulsing sonar. However, enemies that are behind cover will not appear on your minimap.

Hacked Enemies Reveals All Enemies in a 10m Radius

Hacked Enemies Reveal Others
A hacked enemy will reveal all enemies in a 10-meter radius around them on your minimap. This means that even if the hacked enemy doesn't die, they will still provide good intel on how many enemies are around them.

Hack Soldiers 100m Away

BF2042 Rao - Hack distance for players
Enemies can be hacked as far as 100 meters away. Enemies being hacked will receive a warning and killing hacked enemies will enable your Trojan Network trait.

Hacking Vehicles Disables Weapons From 200m Away

BF2042 Rao - Hacking Enemy Vehicle Showcase
Hacking an enemy vehicle will cause their weapons and equipment to malfunction, preventing it from being used. Hacks can reach as far as 200 meters away and last for 10 seconds. This is enough time to destroy vehicles with either C5's or AA Missiles.

Hack Enemy Gadgets

Hacked Gadget Preview
Hacking enemy gadgets like Boris' Sentry or Casper's Recon Drone will disable it for a few seconds.

Hack Environmental Items

Environmental Hacks Showcase
Rao can hack different objects in maps that can change the layout of the field, such as raising bridges or setting up barricades. These objects can change the flow of combat, so try to use them when you get a chance!

How to Use the Trojan Network Trait and Explanation

Reveals Enemies in a 25m Radius

BF2042 Rao Trojan Network Explanation.gif
After killing a hacked enemy, all enemy units within a 25-meter radius will have their outlines revealed to you. The outline only lasts for a few seconds, so make those seconds count!

Rao Cosmetics

Dust Devil (Epic)
How to Unlock: Pre-Order Edition Reward.
Navalized (Rare)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 58
Mamba (Rare)
How to Unlock: Unlocked from Beginning
Tier 1 (Epic)
How to Unlock: 4,000 Spot Assists and enemies Spotted as Rao
Night Operations (Rare)
How to Unlock: 5 Kills and Assists as Rao
Hexmesh Triweave (Rare)
How to Unlock: 100 Spot Assists and enemies Spotted as Rao
Balidan (Epic)
How to Unlock: 400 Spot Assists and enemies Spotted as Rao

Best Loadouts and Teammates

Best Loadouts for Rao

Primary Gadget Throwable
C5 Explosive
FXM-33 AA Missile
Frag Grenade

This loadout is all about killing enemies from mid to long-range, which pairs well with the hacking distance of your specialty. Once you've hacked enemy vehicles, use the C5 to casually approach and blow up tanks or destroy defenseless aircraft with your AA launcher!

Best Teammates for Rao


Angel Specialist Info
Constantine “Angel” Anghel
Specialty Constantine “Angel” AnghelLoadout Crate
Trait Constantine “Angel” AnghelTrauma Specialist

Rao will burn through a lot of his throwables and Gadgets, this is why Angel will be the best squadmate for Rao. Angel's ability to refill gadgets will be a powerful tool to roam as a squad and destroy any vehicles you come across.

Angel Specialist Class Guide

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Battlefield 2042 - Specialists Partial.png

All Specialist Classes and Traits

List of Specialists

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Mackay.pngMackay Boris.pngBoris
Falck.pngFalck Casper.pngCasper
Paik.pngPaik Irish.pngIrish
Angel.pngAngel Sundance.pngSundance
Dozer.pngDozer Rao.pngRao


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