Battlefield 2042

Tips and Tricks

Battlefield 2042 - Tips and Tricks Front.png

Welcome to our Beginner's Guide to Battlefield 2042! This guide will cover all information for new players and cover all tips and tricks for progressing smoothly in Battlefield 2042!

Getting Started with Battlefield 2042

Getting Started
Checkmark Know your Controls
Checkmark Learn Weapon Bloom
Checkmark Adjust FOV and Sensitivity
Checkmark Aim Assist
Checkmark Choose your Class
Checkmark Know Your Objectives

Know your Controls

Battlefield 2042 - PC Controls.png

Since you're able to remap your controls in a way that gives you a better play experience, it's best to do that right away, and change any controls that feel off to you. Going with default controls shouldn't give you any difficulty for the most part, so we generally recommend just playing with them as is.

Basic Button Controls

Effect X-Box/Playstation Controls PC Controls
Call-in Menu
L1.png + R1.png / XboxOne_LB.png + XboxOne_RB.png
Options.png / Options.png
Ping/Danger Ping
R1.png / XboxOne_RB.png
(Press twice for Danger Ping)
Plus Menu
L1.png / XboxOne_LB.png
Aim-Down Sight/Zoom
L2.png / XboxOne_LT.png
Right Mouse Button
R2.png / XboxOne_RT.png
Left Mouse Button
Grenade Dpad up.png G
Specialty Dpad left.png 3
Open Gadget Dpad right.png 4
Toggle Underbarrel / Cycle Fire-Mode (Zoomed Only) Dpad down.png V
Switch Weapons
Triangle button.png / XboxOne_Y.png
(Primary Weapon)
(Secondary Weapon)
Crouch / Prone / Slide While Sprinting
O button.png / XboxOne_B.png

(Hold to Prone)
(Press while running to Slide)
C (Hold to Crouch)
(Hold to Prone and press while sprinting to slide)
Interact / Revive / Reload
Square button.png / XboxOne_X.png
(Hold to Revive)
(Hold to Revive)
R (Push to Reload)
Jump / Parachute / Vault / Swap Seat
X button.png / XboxOne_A.png
(Press and move towards obstacle to Vault)
(Press while moving towards obstacle to vault)
Move L stick.png W / A / S / D
Sprint / Hold Breath / Traversal Sprint L stick.png(Press once for Sprint/Hold Breath)
(Press twice for Traversal Sprint)
Look R stick.png Mouse
Melee / Switch Vehicle / Toggle Magnification R stick.png(Press) F

Controls Guide: Best Controls and Button Settings

Learn Weapon Bloom

Battlefield 2042 - Weapon Bloom
Weapon Bloom is the amount of bullet spread that your weapon will have when you hip fire. This can be seen when you sustain fire and the lines on your crosshair expand.

To have a more accurate shot aim down your sights and observe your crosshair. Wait until the perpendicular lines in your crosshairs converge back to the center.

Weapon Bloom: Explained

Adjust FOV and Sensitivity

For first time FPS players, you have to consider adjusting your field of view(FOV) and camera sensitivity to minimize the risk of nausea and motion sickness. The higher you set your FOV, say 90°, the wider sense of the field your monitor will give you. This also means less motions would be required for you to scout your surroundings.

Aim Assist

Battlefield 2042 - Aim Assist Update

Aim assist is a feature that allows players using a controller on console and PC to have improved aiming during fights. This works by helping players move their crosshairs towards their opponents while aiming down sights or during hipfire.

How to Change Aim Assist

Choose your Class with Specialists

Class Specialist Specialty / Trait
Assault Mackay.pngMackay
Specialty Grappling Hook

Trait Nimble
Specialty Smart Explosives

Trait Wingsuit
Specialty SOB-8 Ballistic

Trait Blast Resistant
Recon Rao.pngRao
Specialty Cyber Warfare Suite

Trait Trojan Network
Specialty EMG-X Scanner

Trait Threat Perception
Specialty OV-P Recon Drone

Trait Movement Sensor
Support Falck.pngFalck
Specialty S21 Syrette Pistol

Trait Combat Surgeon
Specialty Loadout Crate

Trait Trauma Specialist
Engineer Boris.pngBoris
Specialty SG-36 Sentry System

Trait Sentry Operator
Specialty Fortification System

Trait Veteran

Battlefield 2042 will feature 10 Specialists, each armed with their own specific skillset and roles. Will you be an assault fighter on the frontlines, or a medic in the support corp, or maybe you're a lone wolf sniping people from recon points?

All Specialist Classes and Traits Explained

Know Your Objectives

Game Mode Objective
Conquest Capture sectors and deplete enemy ticket count.
Breakthrough Capture or defend Capture Points until either Attackers are defeated or the last Capture Point is taken.
Hazard Zone Collect Data Drives and exfiltrate from the map.

This may be an FPS game but, shooting your way out isn't always the way to win. Battlefield 2042 will offer different game modes to let players experience the full glory of battle in more ways than one. Different modes will have different objectives, learn which modes require a more tactical approach and which modes will be an all-out guns-blazing shootout.

Game Modes Explained

Useful Beginner Information

Useful Beginner Info
Checkmark How to Equip Weapon Attachments
Checkmark How to Spawn Vehicles
Checkmark How to Capture a Sectorl
Checkmark How to Heal
Checkmark How Respawn Works
Checkmark How to Level Up
Checkmark Best Controller Settings
Checkmark How to View the Scoreboard
Checkmark Collect your Ribbons
Checkmark Customize Your Player Card
Checkmark How to Change Fire Mode of Weapons

How to Equip Weapon Attachments

Battlefield 2042 - How to Use the Plus System To Quickly Equip Weapon Attachments - How to Use Plus System.png

Control Keybinds
PC Press and hold the “T” key, select an attachment using left click, then release “T” key to equip.
XBOX Press and hold LB button, select an attachment using the Directional Buttons (D-Pad), then release LB button to equip.
PlayStation Press and hold L1 button, select an attachment using the Directional Buttons (D-Pad), then release L1 button to equip.

Using the new Plus System you can quickly change your weapon attachments to fit the assignment. Need a silencer for that kill? Or a better scope? Customize your attachments to fit any situation.

How to Quickly Equip Weapon Attachments

How to Call-in Vehicles

Battlefield 2042 - Tickets Guide - Know Your Role.png

How to Call-in Vehicles
Step 1 Open up the Call-In System by pressing B for PC, RB for XBOX controller, and R1 for PS controller.
Step 2 Select the vehicle you want to use in the screen that will pop up.
Step 3 Choose a drop-off point in an open space.
Step 4 Wait for it to get on the field. Use it as you will after waiting and getting it!

Sometimes you need a vehicle to get in and out of tight spots. Learn how to call in your vehicles at rendezvous points for a quick get-away.

How to Use the Call-In System

How to Capture a Sector

Battlefield 2042 - Proceed to the Sector with Your Team

Sectors are captured when you eliminate hostiles in an area, capture and defend its corresponding objective points. Objectives are secured when you remain stationary in near the marker after eliminating hostiles. The more teammates you have with you, the faster you capture that objective.
How to Capture A Sector

How to Heal

Battlefield 2042 How to Heal

You're entering a warzone, soldier, expect to get shot at. But don't just stand there and be a bullet sponge. Get to cover, and heal up, or better yet, know how to heal your companions.

There are three ways to heal when you or your teammates are in a pinch. Each healing method has their own pros and cons.

Method Pros / Cons
Auto-Heal Pros: Simple, no resources used
Cons: Risky since getting hit continuously will cause the healing process to delay
Medic Crate Pros: Heals teammates gradually
Cons: Enters cooldown after use and cannot be used until the cooldown ended
Specialist Maria Falck Pros: Heals yourself and your teammates at a range, can deal damage to the opposing party
Cons: Can heal opponents if player misses their teammate and the syringe landed on the ground instead

How to Heal

How Respawn Works

Battlefield 2042 - Tickets Guide - How to Use Tickets to Respawn.png
Tickets will be used to respawn if you get killed in action. Reduce the enemy team's numbers and take over sectors to automatically lower the other team's tickets.

Tickets Guide

How to Level Up

Battlefield 2042 - Capture Sectors With Your Team

Action EXP Gained
Kills 50
Assists 50
Enemy Spotted 5
Revives 50
Resupplies 5
Securing Objective 15
Objective Defended 10
Holding Objective 15
Objectives Captured 375
Spawn on Vehicle 10
Spawn on Teammate 10
Equipment Destroyed 10
Part Disabled 10
Vehicle Destroyed 50

Earn more XP by performing kills, assisting and reviving teammates, destroying vehicles, providing recon intel, and, of course, securing objectives and capturing sectors.

How to Level Up

Best Controller Settings

Recommended Values

On Foot
Soldier Mouse Aim Sensitivity 50
Field of View 74
Soldier Aim Assist 100
Soldier Aim Assist Zoom Snap 100
Soldier Zoom Aim Sensitivity 100
Aiming Left/Right Acceleration 50
Vertical Aim Ratio 48
Controller Vibration Off
Coefficient 0
Vehicle Zoom Aim Sensitivity 100 (For All)
Vehicle Mouse Aim Sensitivity 20
Tank Aim Sensitivity 100
Gunner Aim Sensitivity 100
Transport Vehicle Free Look Sensitivity 100
Aircraft Control Sensitivity 100
Aiming Left/Right Acceleration 50
Vehicle Aim Ratio 48
Vehicle Zoom Aim Ratio 80
Controller Tuning
Center Deadzone
(Left and Right Stick)
Axial Deadzone
(Left and Right Stick)
Max Input Threshold
(Left and Right Stick)
L2 & LT / R2 & RT Max Input Threshold 5
L2 & LT / R2 & RT Deadzone 0

Best Settings | How to Increase FPS

How to View the Scoreboard

Scoreboard Keybinds

Platform Key
Playstation, XBOX
Options.png / Options.png
PC Tab

Battlefield 2042 departs from the classic scoreboard where teams are directly compared in a side-by-side viewing of each player's stats.

Scoreboard Terms and Definitions

Term Definition
Ticket Count The amount of revives each team in a game has remaining.
Sector Control Reveals the remaining Sectors controlled by each team.
Deaths Shows how many deaths, or Ticket losses the team has suffered.
Squad Performance Shows all the squads operating in the game and their performance with metrics based on Kills, Deaths, and Revives.
Stat Definition
Kills Marks the number of enemies downed in-game.
Assists Indicates the damage dealt to an enemy or vehicle that another player finishes off.
Revives Shows the number of fallen allies you have revived in-game.
Captures Number of Capture Points taken for the team.
Defenses Number of Capture Points the team has that the player has successfully defended from opposing team players.
Deaths Number of times a player has been defeated in the battle.

Allowing you to properly track your starts throughout the course of the game, the scoreboard is an essential tool for anyone wishing to know how best to help their team.

Stat Tracking: How to View Scoreboard

Collect your Ribbons

Ribbon Objective
BF2042_Wingman_Ribbon.jpg Wingman Assist in killing enemies and revive downed teammates.
BF2042_Combat_Ribbon.jpg Combat Perform Kills, Destroy Vehicles.
BF2042_Intel_Ribbon.jpg Intel Provide your team with spotting information, deny it to the enemy.
BF2042_Objective_Ribbon.jpg Objective Capture, Defend, Hold
BF2042_Logistics_Ribbon.jpgLogistics Keep your team going with healing, repairs, and ammunition.

Ribbons are awarded to players after a match in Battlefield 2042. You can farm a specific ribbon type by either choosing the right Specialist or using the right equipment.
How to Get More Ribbons

Customize Your Player Card

Your Player Card is your mark on the battlefield. Think of it as the last thing the enemy you killed will see before they have to redeploy. Customize it to let your enemies know how much of a threat you are in battle.

Player Card Unlockables
Battlefield 2042 - Badges.pngBadges Battlefield Player Card Image - Centurion.pngImages Old Guard 2.pngTags

How to Change Fire Mode of Weapons

Battlefield 2042 - How to Change Fire Mode.png
Changing fire mode in Battlefield 2042 will help you adapt to any kind of situations quickly. Kill and surive fights from short-range or long-range distance using this feature.
How to Change Fire Mode For Weapons

General Tips and Tricks Guides

All Tips and Tricks
Checkmark Best Weapons
Checkmark Best Specialists
Checkmark Playing in a Party
Checkmark Content Roadmap
Checkmark Bugs and Error Codes
Checkmark In-Game Chat System
Checkmark Team Deathmatch
Checkmark How to Spot Cheats and Report Players

Best Weapons

Pistol MP28 WeaponMP28
SMG PP-29 WeaponPP-29
Assault Rifle M5A3 WeaponM5A3
Marksman Rifle SVK WeaponSVK
Sniper Rifle NTW-50 WeaponNTW-50
Utility Weapon 12M Auto Weapon12M Auto

Guns come in all shapes and sizes. Some are meaner than most, making use of compact design and bullet management to dish out the maximum amount of damage. Here are out top picks for the best guns and weapons from each of their respective weapon classes.

Best Guns

Best Specialists

Tier Specialist
Mackay.png Paik.png Falck.png
Dozer.png Casper.png Angel.png Boris.png
Irish.png Sundance.png

Each Specislist has their own set of skills that are very dangerous at the right hands. Knowing which one is the best fit for your playstyle will enhance your fighting capability in the game, and give you an edge over the enemy.

Specialists Tier List

Playing in a Party

Battlefield 2042 - How to Add Friends

You can add your friends and create your own party to play games in Battlefield 2042. Having a party allows you to have a squad that you can communicate with better, and have fun together while playing!

How to Add Friends

Content Roadmap

Battlefield 2042 - Gold Edition Rewards

Battlefield 2042 is a live service game, which means that it will have regular updates that provide players with new content.

Battle Pass Content Roadmap

Bugs and Error Codes

Battlefield 2042 - All Error Codes and Bugs

There are times that players will encounter bugs and game errors that can affect the overall in-game experience.

All Error Codes

Using the In-Game Chat System

Battlefield 2042 - PC Party Chat

While the game does not have an in-game voice chat setting, you can still chat with your teammates using the in-game text chat option. PC players will be able to do this more often because of the advantage of using a physical keyboard, but even console players will be able to communicate with their teammates.

How to Use In-Game Party Chat

Playing Team Deathmatch

Battlefield 2042 - Team Deathmatch.jpg

Customize your matches and play classic team deathmatch where you get to set the rules. You're in complete control with the Logic Editor.

How to Play Team Deathmatch

How to Spot Cheats and Report Players

You can report incidents of cheating and offensive player behavior by using the report system in the Squads and Team page while playing the game.

Anti-Cheat Guide

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Battlefield 2042 Top Page

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News Partial FrontNews and Game Info Battlefield 2042 - Specialists Partial.pngSpecialists
Battlefield 2042 Tips and Tricks Partial Banner.pngTips and Tricks Battlefield 2042 - List of All Vehicles Partial.pngVehicles
Battlefield 2042 - Game Modes Partial.pngGame Modes Battlefield 2042 - Weapons Partial Banner.png Weapons
Battlefield Maps Partial Banner.pngAll Maps Battlefield 2042 - List of All Gear Banner.pngGadgets and Throwable Items
Battlefield 2042 Trophy Partial Banner.pngTrophies Battlefield Message Boards Partial Banner.pngMessage Boards



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