Battlefield 2042

Pre Order Bonus Guide: All Pre Order Rewards and Where to Get the Steelbook Case

All Pre Order Bonuses in Battlefield 2042 (BF 2042)
With Battlefield 2042's release on November 19, players can now start pre ordering the game. This guide will cover all about the pre order bonuses and rewards packaged with all the editions of the game as well as where to get the Steelbook case!

List of Pre Order Bonuses

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Irish - Battle Hardended Legendary Skin

Irish Battle Hardened Legendary Skin
Kimble Graves, also known as Irish, makes his return in Battlefield 2042 as a playable specialist! You may recognize this skin from the short film Exodus. Irish was wearing this uniform when he encountered Clayton Pakowski, who was also in Battlefield 4.

Baku ACB-90 Epic Melee Takedown Knife

Baku ACB-90 Epic Melee Takedown Knife.png
A classic knife from previous games makes its return to Battlefield 2042 as an Epic rarity knife. We can assume that this knife will be available to all specialists.

Mr. Chompy Epic Weapon Charm

Mr. Chompy Epic Weapon Charm.png
Fans of Battlefield 4 may remember the T-rex easter egg on the Map Rogue Transmission, where you can hear a distant roar if you do a few complicated mechanics correctly. Now we can have them around with us at all times with this weapon charm!

Landfall Player Card Background and Old Guard Tag

Landfall Player Card Background and Old Guard Tag.png
Flex how you supported the game early by displaying this exclusive player card background and tag.


Battlefield 2042 Steelbook Cover for the physical version
If you live in the United States, you can pre order a copy of Battlefield 2042 to get a free Steelbook case from stores like BestBuy, GameStop, and Walmart for the console version of the game.

Will the Pre Order Give Early Access?

Only for Gold and Ultimate Editions

Battlefield 2042 - Gold, and Ultimate Editions.png
Unfortunately, even if you pre ordered the game, you can only start playing the game on November 12 if you pre ordered the Gold or Ultimate Edition. If you bought the Standard Edition, you have to wait until the official release on November 19.

Battlefield 2042 Editions and Differences

Where to Pre Order

Pre Order in E-Stores

You can pre order the game from your preferred e-store platform.

Store Price
Standard Gold Ultimate
Steam $59.99 $89.99 $109.99
Origin $59.99 $89.99 $109.99
EGS $59.99 $89.99 $109.99
PS Store $59.99(PS4)
$99.99 $119.99
Xbox Store $59.99(X1)
$69.99(X1, X Series X|S)
$99.99 $119.99

Pre Order in the US

You can now pre order Battlefield 2042 in the US, which will release on November 19, 2021. You can gain early access on November 12 if you buy the Gold or Ultimate Editions of the game.

Store Price
Standard Gold Ultimate
Amazon $59.99 - $69.88 $89.99 - $99.99 $109.99 - $119.99
BestBuy* $59.99
(PS4, X1, PC)
(PS5, X Series X)
(X1, X Series S|X)
Digital Only
(X1, X Series S|X)
Digital Only
GameStop* $59.88
(PS4, X1)
(PS5, X Series X)
(X1, X Series S|X)
Digital Only
(X1, X Series S|X)
Digital Only
Walmart* $59.88
(PS4, X1)
(PS5, X Series X)

Stores marked with (*) offer a free Steelbook case upon pre order.

Pre Order in the UK

You can also pre order Battlefield 2042 in the UK from the following stores. Unfortunately, we haven't found any store that offers a Steelbook case upon pre ordering the game.

Store Price
Standard Gold Ultimate
365Games £59.99
(PS4, X1)
(PS5, X Series X)
Game UK £54.99
(PS4, X1)
(PS5, X Series X)
SimplyGames £46.85
(PS4, X1)
(PS5, X Series X)

Battlefield 2042 News

News Partial Front.png

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