Battlefield 2042

Breakaway Map Guide and Tips

Breakaway is a map in Battlefield 2042. Read on to learn more about the locations of sectors in this map as well as tips and tricks in capturing sectors.

All Breakaway Maps and Sectors

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Breakaway Map Overview
Battlefield 2042 - Breakaway
Breakaway Main Map Images
128-Player Map
64-Player Map

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Breakaway Team Deathmatch Map Images
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Breakaway Free-For-All Map Images
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How to Play on Breakaway

Breakaway is a barren land in forever winter. At the heart of this map is an oil rig that is almost impregnable if defended properly. Placing Boris' Sentry Gun at the end of the bridge is a sure way of keeping out enemies from making a front assault.

Breakaway Tips and Tricks

Conquest Tips

Capture E1 Sector (128-Player Map)

Battlefield 2042 - Breakaway Conquest Map Tips - RU Team Go to E1.png

For the Russian forces, aim to obtain the E1 Sector on the map. RU can easily drop in units from there once it's taken and use it to flank the US soldiers below near the C1 Sector.

Secure B and C Sectors First (128-Player Map)

Battlefield 2042 - Breakaway Conquest Map Tips - Capture C and B Sector.png

B Sectors are overall good places to send in reinforcements to the field. They are hard to steal and easy to defend, so getting them first as the match starts should be a priority.

Though the C Sector's location is very open to various attacks, it is still worth capturing. Most of the shootouts will happen there, so having an objective advantage will give your team the upper hand and a chance to push through the sectors near the enemy base.

Secure the Three Sectors Near your Base (64-Player Map)

Battlefield 2042 - Breakaway Conquest Map Tips - Secure nearby Sectors.png
Both sides have three sectors near their bases. You have to make sure your team has total control of those sectors, as it will be hard to push through and capture the ones on the enemy side if they have it.

Sniper Weapons are Recommended

Battlefield 2042 - Breakaway Breakthrough Map Tips - Sniper Weapons are Recommended.png
The breakaway map is massive and has tons of high grounds, making it suitable for sniping soldiers on foot. Look for a good place with enough cover near the middle of the map and start taking out enemies. Assault Rifles and SMGs still work fine if you're not good being a sniper.

Breakthrough Tips

Sneak in on the Sectors

Battlefield 2042 - Breakaway Breakthrough Map Tips - First Sectors are Easy to Capture.png
It will be easy to sneak through the sectors because this map is massive, except for the last ones. Flanking and launching surprise attacks will be a great strategy to disrupt enemy lines and stop them from doing their objective.

Final Sectors are Hard to Capture

Battlefield 2042 - Breakaway Breakthrough Map Tips - Using Sundance.png
The final Sectors are areas where you need to tighten up your defenses more if you are on the defender side to avoid losing. Fortunately, your team will have the terrain advantage as there are only a few entry points to it. You can also call in vehicles in there to make defending much easier.

The attacking team should be fast and try to get close to the final sectors as soon as they open. It will be hard for your team to get close once the defenders finish putting up their defenses. Sundance will be good for attackers at that point, as she can sneak in using her wingsuit from above.

Sniper Weapons are Recommended

Battlefield 2042 - Breakaway Breakthrough Map Tips - Sniper Weapons are Recommended.png
Same with Conquest, sniper guns have the upper hand on Breakthrough as well. Look for a high place where you can see most sectors and enemies to take them out. Assault Rifles and SMGs will also do pretty well on this map if you're not comfortable using a sniper gun.

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