Battlefield 2042

Sundance Specialist Class Guide | Best Loadouts and Best Teammates

Battlefield 2042 (BF2042) Sundance Guide and how to use the Wingsuit

This is a guide on how to play Emma "Sundance” Rosier, a Specialist in Battlefield 2042. To learn the best loadout and teammates for Sundance, all their cosmetic skins, and how to use them effectively, read on!

Sundance Latest Updates and Changes

Update #3 - 1.05 (December 2, 2021)

Sundance Patch 1.05 Notes
Emma - Smart Explosives Specialty.png Smart Explosives • Fixed an issue where the Sundance’s Anti-Armor grenade could get stuck circling in air after the targeted vehicle deploys counter-measures or attempt to target another vehicle instead.

• Adjusted the behavior of Sundance’s splitter fragment grenades to bounce once before detonating.
Emma - Wingsuit Operator Trait.png Wingsuit • Fixed an issue where the repair tool crosshair was visible when you entered the wingsuit whilst having the repair tool equipped.

• Fixed an issue when undeploying and then deploying the Wingsuit can cause first person view while flying.

Latest Patch Notes

Sundance Specialty and Veteran Trait

Basic Information

Specialist Details
Emma "Sundance” Rosier
Name Emma "Sundance” Rosier
Class Assault
Country of Origin France
Tier Rating B.png

Specialists Tier List

Specialty Skill

Specialty Information
Wingsuit Specialty Sample
Title Emma "Sundance” Rosier Specialty Icon and in-game description
Smart Explosives
Description Sundance has the explosives and experience to make life very difficult for the enemy. From scatter grenades to micro-drones, if something to go "boom”, they're the one to call.

Veteran Trait

Veteran Trait Information
Wingsuit Trait Sample
Title Emma "Sundance” Rosier Specialty Icon and in-game description
Description When needed, Sundance will deploy a wingsuit instead of a chute.

How to Play as Sundance

How to Use the Smart Explosives Specialty

Aim the Scatter Grenade Down for A Bigger Area of Effect

Scatter Grenade Belt Showcase
The Scatter Grenade will require to bounce off an object once to trigger the detonation timer. The Scatter Grenade has very floaty physics that you can take advantage of by throwing it on the ground. This way, when the grenade breaks apart, you will cover a large area that can take out multiple enemies.

Anti-Armor Will Follow Vehicles Unless Outsped

Anti-Armor Grenade Belt Showcase.
The Anti-Armor will seek out the nearest enemy vehicle once thrown. The homing mechanism will persist as long as the vehicle doesn't outspeed it. This isn't particularly useful against jets but there are hardly any ground vehicles that can outrun it!

EMP Effects Disables Vehicle Weapons and Gadgets

EMP Grenade Belt Showcase
The EMP Grenade Belt can trigger 8 times before running out. When hit by a pulse, most vehicles will be unable to shoot for about 10 seconds until the distortion effect on the HUD runs out. This is a very powerful tool that lets you deal with any vehicle with ease.

How to Use the Wingsuit Trait and Explanation

Wingsuit Controls (Console)

Keybind Effect
X button.png / XboxOne_A.png
Deploy Wingsuit
O button.png / XboxOne_B.png
Undeploy Wingsuit
L stick.png Pitch Up / Pitch Down / Turn Left / Turn Right

Wingsuit Controls (PC)

Controls Effect
Space Bar Deploy Wingsuit
C Undeploy Wingsuit
W / S / A / D Pitch Up / Pitch Down / Turn Left / Turn Right

Turn Left and Right When Pulling up for Sharper Turns

Wingsuit Movement Guide Showcase.
As you are diving with the wingsuit, you will start gaining forward momentum. During this time, turning left and right will feel very unresponsive. To make tighter turns, you will need to first pull up during the nosedive.

Spawn in Aircrafts

Spawn inside Aircraft Showcase.
To capitalize early on your Wingsuit, you will need to spawn inside an aircraft. This will let help landing on inaccessible locations easier or let you get into sectors faster compared to the rest of your team!

Slow Down When Landing

Fall Damage Showcase.
As you dive downwards, you will keep picking up momentum. If you hit the ground too fast, it will cause you to take a significant amount of damage. Be sure to pull up just a little bit before hitting the ground!

Press Crouch to Undeploy

Press Crouch to Undeploy
If you ever need to stop using the Wingsuit, you can press the crouch button to undeploy and bring your gun out. Diving and then pitching up can lead to losing a lot of speed, so this is one alternative to make yourself less of an easy target.

Use Tornados to Gain Momentum

Tornado Momentum Showcase
When a storm arrives, try to get close enough to get picked up by the wind but not enough to be in the eye of the storm. Once in the air, deploy your Wingsuit and try to get some distance from the tornado since it can do quite a bit of damage to your health.

Ease your controls by tilting to the opposite direction of how the tornado is turning so that you can use the momentum to fly yourself into the far-off distance.

Sundance Cosmetics

Navalized (Rare)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 43
Mamba (Rare)
How to Unlock: Unlocked from Beginning
High Velocity (Epic)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 94
Stormbreaker (Epic)
How to Unlock: Pre-Order Edition Reward.
Tier 1 (Epic)
How to Unlock: 1,200 Kills and Assists with Sundance's Smart Explosives
Night Operations (Rare)
How to Unlock: 5 Kills and Assists as Sundance
Hexmesh Triweave (Rare)
How to Unlock: 30 Kills and Assists with Sundance's Smart Explosives
Stormwalker (Epic)
How to Unlock: 120 Kills and Assists with Sundance's Smart Explosives

Best Loadouts and Teammates

Best Loadouts for Sundance

Primary Gadget Throwable
Insertion Beacon
Med Pen
Prox Sensor

This loadout focuses on Sundance's high mobility. With the Wingsuit, you can easily access hard-to-reach places, which opens up a choice of using Sniper or Marksman rifles. Then, you can use Insertion Beacons to respawn at any tall structure.

You can also play a role as a very aggressive flanker with SMGs and a Med Pen. The Prox Sensor is a must for both loadout types because your Grenade belt is all the throwable utility you will need!

Best Teammates for Sundance


Mackay Specialist Info
Webster Mackay
Specialty Webster MackayGrappling Hook
Trait Webster MackayNimble

Mackay will be your buddy in high mobility. With his Grappling Hook specialty, he can simply place down an Insertion Beacon from any ledge which will help you get started on using the Wingsuit!

Mackay Specialist Class Guide

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Battlefield 2042 - Specialists Partial.png

All Specialist Classes and Traits

List of Specialists

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