Battlefield 2042

Arica Harbor Map Guide and Tips

Arica Harbor is a map in Battlefield Portal. Read on to learn more about the locations of sectors in this map as well as tips and tricks in capturing sectors.

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Arica Harbor Map Overview
Battlefield Portal - Arica Harbor
Arica Harbor Main Map Images
Conquest Rush

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Arica Harbor Team Deathmatch Map Images
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Arica Harbor Free-For-All Map Images
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How to Play on Arica Harbor

Arica Harbor is a narrow beach-like corridor that extends from one end to the other in a northeastern direction. The map has plenty of buildings and high points that promotes aerial and infantry battles, with snipers and helicopter-based close air support acting as focal support units while the rest of the infantry spearhead attacks into objectives.

Arica Harbor Tips and Tricks

Conquest Tips

Balanced Map

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There are five objective points to take in conquest on Arica Harbor. Both teams on the map have an equal chance of winning the match fairly, although B Sector, where a majority of large-scale fighting will take place, can be much more easily reached by the Russians.

Of the five objectives on the map, attacking or defending B Sector is the most difficult part of the map, as teams can easily fall back and use either A1 or C1 as their rendezvous point to recommence their attacks. Once entrenched, it is difficult to dislodge opponents who have control over the entire B Sector.

Sniper's Paradise

Battlefield 2042 - Sniper
Despite largely being a flat stretch of land, Arica Harbor has many buildings with accessible rooftops for snipers to make use of. The best of these areas is the rooftop of a building under construction at the edge of A Sector near the foot of the bridge where B3 is. This roof allows snipers a clear view of the bridge, the access bridge on its sides, and the banks of the inlet bisecting B Sector where the Russian team can cross from.

Use Vehicles to Spearhead Assaults

Battlefield 2042 - Use Vehicles to Spearhead Assaults.png
Players on either side will find more success when capturing points on the map, particularly A1 or C1 if they make use of vehicles as the tip of the spear in their attacks. This provides teams with decent, highly armored targets for their enemies to focus their attention on while infantry units can sweep in from the sides.

Vehicles also act as fast transports that can help protect infantrymen from air support, as the roads are not narrow enough to hide them from shots coming from the air.

Air Support is Key

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As mentioned, Arica Harbor has plenty of spaces where snipers can have a good view of the battlefield while remaining relatively hidden from infantry units on the ground. Air support in this instance can prove vital in not just spotting but also eliminating enemy snipers hidden on rooftops.

Rush Tips

Use the UAV

Battlefield 2042 - Use the UAV.png
There is an interactive laptop from where players can start as the attackers in Rush Mode. Thie laptop activates a drone that players can use to "scout" out enemy positions near where the objectives are. This drone also packs with it attack functions such as missiles that they can call down on top of enemies in case players need to dislodge well-entrenched enemy positions.

Piggyback on Vehicles

Battlefield 2042 - Stick with Vehicles.png
The distance from where players start and where the M-COMs or objectives to be destroyed are is very distant. As such, it is highly recommended that players tag along in vehicles to get to their objectives faster.

Even when players are unable to ride in one, sticking close to vehicles when assaulting objectives can help bring the chances of success up, as vehicles can be used to create spaces that infantrymen can use to gain access to the M-COMs that need to be destroyed. It also increases an infantryman's survivability, as infantry-to-infantry firefights can get particularly intense the close the attacking team gets to the town.

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