Battlefield 2042

Specialists Tier List

Battlefield 2042 - Specialist Tier List.png
This is a tier list for all Specialists in Battlefield 2042. Learn more about each Specialist's Traits and Specialties, and see how they rank for online matches.

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New Specialists may be added in future patches or updates which may affect rankings. Check back here for updates!

Specialists Tier List

All Specialists Ranked

Tier Specialist
Mackay.png Falck.png
Paik.png Dozer.png Casper.png Angel.png Boris.png
Irish.png Sundance.png

Ranked Through Traits and Affinities

This tier list was decided by weighing the pros and cons that each Specialist brings to combat for players who play more with their squad and those who prefer playing on their own. The ranking of each Specialist was based around the use of their Traits and Specialties, and how truly unique these are within a squad.

Due to Weapons and Gear not being locked to a single Specialist, specific loadouts for each Specialist were not considered in the ranking.

Specialists Tier List Explanation

S Tier Specialists


Webster Mackay
Webster Mackay
Specialty Webster MackayGrappling Hook
Trait Webster MackayNimble

Mackay ranks highly on the list due to the amount of mobility that he can bring to bear on enemies in any combat scenario. Due to his Grappling Hook, Mackay can gain lateral advantages over his enemies by pulling himself towards high ledges or vantage points.

Mackay Specialist Class Guide


Maria Falck
Maria Falck
Specialty Maria FalckS21 Syrette Pistol
Trait Maria FalckCombat Surgeon

Falck is the ultimate Support Specialist, providing ample healing to any fallen teammate on the field. Her Syrette Pistol can be easily used at a distance to provide healing from afar with little input from other players, while already downed allies can be revived back to full health.

Falck Specialist Class Guide

A Tier Specialists


Ji-Soo Paik
Ji-Soo Paik
Specialty Ji-Soo PaikEMG-X Scanner
Trait Ji-Soo PaikThreat Perception

Paik is an excellent Specialist players can use if they have trouble locating enemies in-game. Using her EMG-X Scanner will reveal and highlight enemies within a thirty-meter radius from where the player is, while her Threat Perception Trait allows her to see where hits are coming from.

This gives players a good advantage as well as enables them to perform flanking maneuvers against well-entrenched enemies – use of her scanner, however, will reveal her position on the mini-map, which acts as a balance that allows opponents to counteract any player moves.

Paik Specialist Class Guide


Santiago “Dozer” Espinoza
Santiago “Dozer” Espinoza
Specialty Santiago “Dozer” EspinozaSOB-8 Ballistic Shield
Trait Santiago “Dozer” EspinozaBlast Resistant

Dozer is a resilient Specialist that can be used to spearhead assaults on enemy positions. His Ballistic Shield makes him nearly invulnerable to enemy attacks, particularly if allies will protect his flanks. His Blast Resistant trait also makes it difficult to down him through explosive means.

Dozer Specialist Class Guide


Wikus “Casper” Van Dale
Wikus “Casper” Van Dale
Specialty Wikus “Casper” Van DaleOV-P Recon Drone
Trait Wikus “Casper” Van DaleMovement Sensor

Similar to Paik, Casper is another Specialist that can be used to detect enemy movements within a limited radius from where the player is. Although enemies will not be specifically highlighted, Casper has the unique ability to see where enemies are from a great distance through the use of his OV-P Recon Drone – alternatively, he can use the drones to destroy vehicles by attaching explosives to the drone and detonating them once the drone has been maneuvered close to one.

Casper Specialist Class Guide


Constantine “Angel” Anghel
Constantine “Angel” Anghel
Specialty Constantine “Angel” AnghelLoadout Crate
Trait Constantine “Angel” AnghelTrauma Specialist

Angel is similar to Faik in healing abilities – he, however, can revive fallen teammates with bonus armor instead of full health. He can also provide Loadout Crates which provide players the ability to change loadouts or resupply themselves at any location in a map.

Angel Specialist Class Guide


Pyotr “Boris” Guskovsky
Pyotr “Boris” Guskovsky
Specialty Pyotr “Boris” GuskovskySG-36 Sentry System
Trait Pyotr “Boris” GuskovskySentry Operator

Boris has the means to provide an "extra" gun in a fight by laying down Sentry Systems in a location. This Specialty from him is particularly useful when trying to defend highly contested objectives where vehicles are absent.
Boris Specialist Class Guide

B Tier Specialists


Kimble “Irish” Graves
Kimble “Irish” Graves
Specialty Kimble “Irish” GravesFortification System
Trait Kimble “Irish” GravesVeteran

Although Irish could be ranked as B Tier, much of his abilities in battle are defensive in nature, requiring plenty of player input to take full advantage of the Fortification System that he can lay down into an area.

Irish Specialist Class Guide


Emma "Sundance” Rosier
Emma "Sundance” Rosier
Specialty Emma "Sundance” RosierSmart Explosives
Trait Emma "Sundance” RosierWingsuit

Sundance brings a unique method of inserting into a location – by using her Wingsuit players can quickly drop down to an objective to either act as a forward party or scout, or to simply contest an objective that enemy players are trying to capture.

The EMP version of her Smart Explosives Specialty can help to disable any enemy vehicle that players can encounter, which makes them particularly useful when trying to assault an enemy held objective being defended by tanks of other vehicles.

Sundance Specialist Class Guide

C Tier Specialists


Navin Rao
Navin Rao
Specialty Navin RaoCyber Warfare Suite
Trait Navin RaoTrojan Network

Rao is excellent for players who wish to hunt for enemy vehicles or systems to hack. Players who intend to use him, however, will need to be quick with their actions, as the in-game reality of a match will have players constantly being on the move, which diminishes the usefulness of Rao's abilities.

Rao Specialist Class Guide

Which Specialist is Your Favorite?

Irish 2
Boris 3
Angel 2
Falck 4
Casper 2
Paik 0
Rao 2
Dozer 1
Sundance 4
Mackay 3

With Specialists having replaced the original class system with their unique traits and specialties, cast your vote in the poll and discuss which Specialists are the best as you support your team in Battlefield 2042!

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