Battlefield 2042

Weekly Challenges and Rewards

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Weekly Challenges are new opportunities that players can use to earn extra XP, with new weekly events becoming available each week in Battlefield 2042. Read on to learn more about each challenge, how much XP there is per challenge, how to accomplish each challenge, and what rewards you can unlock!

All Weekly Challenges

Current Challenges

Coming Soon!

As announced through the Update #3 patch, the first set of Weekly Challenges will commence sometime between December 6 and December 12.

Weekly Mission Reward

Coming soon!

What Are Weekly Challenges?

Weekly Missions Offering XP and Cosmetic Rewards

Weekly Missions or Weekly Challenges are side-objectives that players can engage in to earn more XP apart from those that they already earn through in-game actions. These missions vary in what a player has to do, with some requiring players to revive teammates and others requiring players to repair vehicles or equipment, amongst others.

These challenges are changed from week to week, giving players a goal they may strive towards in order to unlock more XP, or if all missions in a week are completed, unique cosmetic rewards.

Can Be Seen and Tracked from the Main Menu

The status of each mission can be seen in the right-hand portion of the main menu, just below the Player Card. Both a progress bar and a numerical count will be shown just beneath each mission available for the week, along with the rewards for each mission and the unique cosmetic reward for players who manage to finish all available missions in a week.

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