Battlefield 2042

Breakthrough Game Mode Guide

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Battlefield 2042's Breakthrough game mode pits opposing teams in classic Attacker and Defender roles on expansive maps. Learn how to capture and defend sectors, reduce the attacking team's Ticket Count, and how to push the frontline!!

How to Play Breakthrough

Breakthrough Objectives
Check Icon Know Your Team Role

Check Icon Attack or Defend Sectors

Check Icon Deplete Attacking Team's Ticket Count

Know Your Team's Role


Battlefield 2042 - Attacker Role.png
In Breakthrough, Attackers are tasked with capturing Sectors on the map that Defenders will "own" at the start of each match. The attacking team will need to capture Sector(s) within the Frontline to push the frontline to new sectors, with the game ending in victory for Attackers with the capture of the final Sector on the map.

The attacking team has a limited Ticket Counter, which makes grabbing Sectors a difficult thing to do as the attacking team will have to consider the best way to capture them without losing too many resources/tickets – managing to capture a sector, however, provides attackers with additional tickets to use.


Battlefield 2042 - Defender Role.png
As Defenders, the goal of the match is to win through attrition. Defenders are given infinite Tickets they can use to respawn fallen personnel with, and their only objective in the game is to deny the attacking team Sectors which grant them additional Tickets to use upon a successful capture.

Managing to lose an entire Sector means that the sector is lost completely, and cannot be regained by Defenders – Capture Points, however, can be reclaimed.

Attack or Defend Sectors

Battlefield 2042 - Attack or Defend Sectors.png
Upon the beginning of a match, 100% of the available sectors on the map will be by default controlled by the Defending team. For attackers, only a specific Sector will be available for them to be captured – called the Frontline – with each successful capture of Sectors pushing the frontline forwards until only the last sector for the enemy remains.

Defenders must do their best to prevent the attackers from pushing the Frontline to prevent a loss.

Deplete Attacker's Ticket Count

Battlefield 2042 - Deplete Attacker
To win a match, the Attacking Team must successfully capture all Sectors on the map. However, this can be prevented by Defenders through either successful defense of Sectors, or by completely draining the Attacking Team's Ticket Count to zero, with the game ending with either condition is met

Breakthrough Tips

Breakthrough Objectives

Scan Enemy Positions

Battlefield 2042 - Scan Enemy Positions.png
Different from Conquest, Breakthrough will see objectives either attacked or defended more heavily. Gone are the sparse amounts of enemy troops at each objectives – in its place is a hale of bullets coming from, at times, 10-strong groups of enemies that will either attack or defend their objectives.

Before heading off into a battle, try to get a good sense of the enemy's position by Spotting them. Proximity Sensors, Recon Drones, or even flights with the helicopters will allow not just the player to benefit from knowing enemy positions, but allies as well.

Don't Rush Objectives

As an Attacker in Breakthrough, the fastest way to get downed and thus lose the team the precious Tickets it needs to succeed is by blindly rushing towards objectives. The recommended way of tackling every single objective that needs to be captured in order to push the frontline is by attacking with your team.

Unlike Conquest where opposing players will move from objective to objective, Defenders in Breakthrough will more than likely stay at the objectives where they spawn, making patience a key attribute when trying to find a weak spot in enemy defenses that can allow you to push through.

Follow the Team

Breakthrough is a Game Mode that takes near flawless teamwork to win in. Regardless if you are an attacker or defender in a match, the best way to make sure that objectives are captured or denied from the enemy is by getting a sense of where the rest of the team is moving towards.

Losing your life by trying to rush objectives without thoughts of consequence won't help the team in the long run – but moving as one with your squad or team towards whatever needs to be done is a highly recommended tactic individual players are suggested to take.

What is Breakthrough Game Mode

Classic Attack and Defend Mode

Battlefield 2042 - Classic Attack and Defense.png
Breakthrough is a fairly recent Game Mode introduced in Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V, where the main objective of the game is to push the frontline or defend it as either an attacker or defender respectively, with each match ending when either the defender's primary "base" has been captured, or the attacking team's Ticket Count depleted to zero.

Large Player Count

Player Count 64 (PS4 / XBOX One)
128 (PS5 / XBOX One Series X / PC)
Variants Multiplayer / Singleplayer

Similar in size and scope to Conquest significantly sized teams are featured as well in Breakthrough, with smaller player counts being available to consoles of the last generation (PS4, XBOX One). These two teams are separated into either Attacker or Defender roles, with each role having different priorities on the map.

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