Battlefield 2042

Falck Specialist Class Guide | Best Loadouts and Best Teammates

Falck Guide Battlefield 2042 (BF2042)

This is a guide on Maria Falck, a Specialist in Battlefield 2042. To learn the best loadout and teammates for Falck, all their cosmetic skins, and how to use them effectively, read on!

Falck Latest Updates and Changes

Update #3 - 1.05 (December 2, 2021)

Falck Patch 0.3.0 Notes
Maria - S21 Syrette Pistol Specialty.pngS21 Syrette Pistol • Added Lock On and Lock Off sounds for S21 Syrette Pistol when a target is designated by the magnetism of the S21 Syrette Pistol.

• Players that require health and can receive it now have a white outline around them to indicate that the magnetism will fire at the outlined target.

• Added healing sound effect for when you’re being healed by the S21 Syrette Pistol.

• Added sound feedback for when being healed by the S21 Syrette Pistol.

Latest Patch Notes

Falck Specialty and Veteran Trait

Basic Information

Specialist Details
Maria Falck
Name Maria Falck
Class Support
Country of Origin Germany
Tier Rating S.png

Specialists Tier List

Specialty Skill

Specialty Information
Combat Surgeon Specialty Sample
Title Maria Falck Specialty Icon and in-game description
S21 Syrette Pistol
Description Fires a syringe at friendlies to provide healing. If fired at an enemy, the syringe will do damage.

Veteran Trait

Veteran Trait Information
Combat Surgeon Trait Sample
Title Maria Falck Specialty Icon and in-game description
Combat Surgeon
Description Allows the player to return downed allies to combat with full health when reviving.

How to Play as Falck

How to Use the S21 Syrette Pistol Specialty and Explanation

6 Shots and Auto Aim

Heal Dart Auto Aim.gif

The Syringe gun has a 6 dart capacity, displayed on the back of the gun itself before you have to reload. It also has an auto-aim function, so you won't have to bother with aiming down to heal someone with it. The Syringe gun will automatically refill in stacks of 6 darts if you run out, so don't worry too much about using it sparingly.

How to Use the Combat Surgeon Trait and Explanation

Reviving People Saves Tickets

When your team is down to two digits of tickets left, try grouping up with them more. Each death will lose cost the one ticket, but reviving them will prevent that. This can help your team clutch games in close fight scenarios!

Falck Cosmetics

Navalized (Rare)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 35
Mamba (Rare)
How to Unlock: Unlocked from Beginning
War Surgeon (Epic)
How to Unlock: Reach Level 88
Tier 1 (Epic)
How to Unlock: 2,400 Teammates Healed with the S21 Syrette Pistol and Revived as Falck
Night Operations (Rare)
How to Unlock: 5 Kills and Assists as Falck
Hexmesh Triweave (Rare)
How to Unlock: 60 Teammates Healed with the S21 Syrette Pistol and Revived as Falck
Offizier (Epic)
How to Unlock: 240 Teammates Healed with the S21 Syrette Pistol and Revived as Falck

Best Loadouts and Teammates

Best Loadouts for Falck

Primary Gadget Throwable
Ammo Crate Smoke Grenade

This loadout focuses on covering all the needs of your squad with the added benefit of using a smoke grenade to advance or to revive teammates. Since you will be in the thick of battle, a good close to mid-range weapon would suit you best as a combat medic!

Best Teammates for Falck


Angel Specialist Info
Constantine “Angel” Anghel
Specialty Constantine “Angel” AnghelLoadout Crate
Trait Constantine “Angel” AnghelTrauma Specialist

To become the best re-supplier squad in the game, you will want to have Angel in it. With his Loadout Crate in hand, you will be free to use any gadget that fits the current combat scenario.
Angel Specialist Class Guide


Irish Specialist Info
Kimble “Irish” Graves
Specialty Kimble “Irish” GravesFortification System
Trait Kimble “Irish” GravesVeteran

Irish can provide a safe area to either hold the line or provide you support to revive fallen teammates thanks to his Fortification System. Coordination is key if you want to pull off risky revives while under heavy fire.
Irish Specialist Class Guide


Paik Specialist Info
Ji-Soo Paik
Specialty Ji-Soo PaikEMG-X Scanner
Trait Ji-Soo PaikThreat Perception

If you have a smoke grenade equipped, Paik can benefit from it by using her EMG-X Scanner. As you revive downed teammates, she can provide cover fire by shooting enemies through the smoke.
Paik Specialist Class Guide


Dozer Specialist Info
Santiago “Dozer” Espinoza
Specialty Santiago “Dozer” EspinozaSOB-8 Ballistic Shield
Trait Santiago “Dozer” EspinozaBlast Resistant

With Dozer's almost impenetrable shield, you can use it as cover as you advance through enemy encampments or revive downed teammates. You can also heal Dozer or yourself as both of you hide behind his shield. Just make sure to keep your head down!

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