Battlefield 2042

El Alamein Map Guide and Tips

El Alamein is a map in Battlefield Portal. Read on to learn more about the locations of sectors in this map as well as tips and tricks in capturing sectors.

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El Alamein Map Overview
Battlefield Portal - El Alamein
El Alamein Main Map Images
Conquest Rush

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How to Play on El Alamein

El Alamein largely occurs on expansive flatlands filled with high and low dunes. The map is bisected near the middle, separating the map's two flat sand-filled lands. Vehicles and long-ranged weapons are needed to be effective on the map.

El Alamein Tips and Tricks

Conquest Tips

Ride With Vehicles

Battlefield 2042 - Use Vehicles.png
There are three objective points to capture in El Alamein, and each of them is extremely distant from one another. Walking from objective to objective is not an option, as this can leave players out in the open where aircraft, snipers, or armored vehicles can pick them off.

As such, land vehicles that can transport infantry from location to location in large groups are essential to quickly capture, contest or invade objectives to secure victory.

Snipe Enemies From C1

Battlefield 2042 - Snipe Enemies from C1.png
The mountainside around Objective C1 is perfect for killing enemies from afar using a sniper. Specifically, there are spots around the objective that gives players a perfect view of Objective B1, allowing players to gain kills from an extremely safe range.

Heavily Armed Infantry at Objectives

Battlefield 2042 - Heavily Armed Infantry at Objectives.png

Due to the heavy use of vehicles and the limited amount of them available in-game at a given time, teams may wish to keep their infantrymen in the vicinity of the objectives that they capture. This is to free up transport vehicles to deliver other infantrymen to another objective while also leaving behind defenders who can hold objectives the team captures.

Having infantrymen armed with heavy weaponry can serve as a deterrent to any armored vehicle from the enemy that will try to invade an objective, giving teams the ability to repel any concentrated assaults.

Focus on A1 and B1

Battlefield 2042 - Assault A1 and B1.png
Both A1 and B1 are heavy points of contention in El Alamein where you'll see a majority of fights break out. This is due to the relatively large plain connecting the two objectives, compared to the uphill battle either team will have to move through to get to objective C1.

Conversely, managing to get and hold on to C1 will allow that team to have greater control over the map, as heavy fighting in the areas around A1 and B1 can be difficult to win without decent vehicle gameplay.

Rush Tips

Attack Through Tanks

Battlefield 2042 - Attack Through Tanks.png
As attackers, a great many of the objectives that need to be taken out largely occur in tightly packed clusters in terrain more suited for infantry. Nonetheless, side roads and flat surfaces near the objectives make taking a vehicle a viable option. Should the tank survive through to the late-game stages of the map where the objectives will be on flat terrain suited for vehicle combat, the tank will be a significantly useful asset then.

Take Advantage of Environmental Features

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The portion of El Alamein where Rush takes place in is largely dominated by dunes and small hillsides that overlook the landscape. The strategy of using vehicles to ram straight into areas where the M-COMs are by attackers can be defeated by the defending team through the use of these environmental fixtures by masking approaches with anti-vehicle weapons such as C5 and rockets at close range.

Infantry can also be taken out this way through placements of LMG teams on overlooks that can allow them a vertical advantage while shooting at enemies down below.

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