Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Templebrough Fort Bear Challenge | Mastery Challenge

Templebrough Bear Top.jpg

This is a guide on how to complete the Bear Challenge in Templebrough Fort for Assassin's Creed Valhalla (AC Valhalla). Read on to learn all about enemy composition, best positioning, and kill goal requirements for this Mastery Challenge!

Templebrough Fort Bear Challenge Location

The Templebrough Fort Bear Challenge shrine can be found in a small island directly west of Templebrough Fort just past the north border of Ledecestrescire.

Templebrough Fort Bear Challenge Info

Templebrough Fort Bear.jpg

Bear Icon Trial of the Bear
Objective Kill all the targets
Bronze Ranking 300
Silver Ranking 600
Gold Ranking 1000
Scoring Breakdown
Melee Kills 480
Parry 400
Kill all the targets 120
Weapon Soldier's Flail
Briton Shield
Armor Brigandine Armor Set
Ranged Abilities None
Melee Abilities Dive of the Valkyries

Enemy Information

Challenge Requirements
Melee Kills Parry Target
24 20 3

In this trial. you will encounter a total of 26 enemies including the 3 targets for the main objective. It is recommended that you carefully watch each enemy's movements because of the nearby fires. If at least 3 enemies die to the fire, it is impossible to earn a gold medal in this trial.


Battle Energy Icon.png Mastery Energy Icon.png
10 Battle Energy per Medal 2 Mastery Energy for Silver Medals
4 Mastery Energy for Gold Medals

You can only gain the rewards once for the first time you earn a Medal. You can use these energies to buy items from Hildiran's Shop back in Ravensthorpe.

Templebrough Fort Bear Challenge Guide

Don't Let Enemies Burn to Death

Melee Kills.jpg

In this trials, almost all moves that are available to you will be counted as a Melee Kill. However, since there are nearby fires, you have to be careful to not let them die because of that. If 3 or more enemies die to the fire, then it will be impossible to earn a gold medal in this trial.

Leave 1 Enemy Alive


The second objective is somewhat hard because of the number of enemies you encounter. You must eliminate the other enemies and leave a single one alive to easily complete the Parry objective. We highly recommend that you leave the swordsman alive for this objective.

Kill the Targets Last

Kill Targets.jpg

In this trial, there will be 3 targets to eliminate. Since the Melee Kills objective requires the player to kill 24 enemies to complete, it is very important to kill the targets last to make earning a gold medal in this trial much easier.

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Templebrough Fort Calleva Outpost


3 Anonymous9 months

Templebrough Fort Bear Challenge stun kills give 40 points. It's possible to get gold


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